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Friday, September 14, 2012


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Dec 31 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Prince William and Duchess Kate Expecting

This is a Dream Vision from a close relative of mine. From time to time our dreams and visions bring to our attention future events in regard to a world event. I refer to these types of dreams or visions as “the psychic newspaper” reporting a clairvoyant or future headline of a major interest or event. Sometimes we do dream of mundane things…but on occasion we get to see the world unfold while we sleep. The following dream occurred on Sunday, September 2, 2012 and came through a close relative of mine. Because of the many past dreams that have come true; I believe the following dream will also come true or come to pass. Prince William “the future king of England” and his lovely wife Duchess Kate will in the not-too-distant future be (or are) expecting their first child. One of the details of this future event focused on the night just prior to the birth. In this dream the couple will be alone, the scene seemed to be they were in an elevator. Unbelievably no one would be immediately available to help them. Perhaps they will be “stuck” in an elevator or the delivery will begin so quickly no medical assistance will be present. There was a woman who came to the aid of the Duchess. The dream went on to show the gender of the child will be male. “Its a Boy”!the lady in the dream (perhaps an Angel) asked if he preferred a boy or a girl. He replied he preferred to have a son to be his Heir to the throne. “I want a boy so the crown will go to “a King not a Queen”. We congratulate the couple…. in advance of course. As a footnote I have mentioned this before in regard to the royal family. I am a big fan of Prince Charles (Prince William’s father) all of my life. I have watched him grow up on television and I have always felt close to him for some reason which I cannot explain only speculate. This may be do to some karmic attachment between my family The Cottrells and the Royal family. somewhere I read in our genealogy that I had an ancestor named Charles Ludwig Cottrell who apparently was an adviser to King James1(James VI and I was King of Scots as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the English and Scottish crowns on 24 March 1603 until his death) – My impression is that regrettably the crown of Queen Elizabeth will be passed to her grandson Prince William, bypassing his father Prince Charles. I Would hope this would be done with Prince Charles complete acceptance and preference. Wishing you health wealth and peace of mind Dr Douglas

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 20, 2012: The Beginning of the End?

If you Google "May 20, 2012" you will find a number of articles and videos speculating the significance of that date. Some are even saying that May 20 will be more significant than December 21 (from the Maya calendar). In 2005, a crop circle appeared in Wiltshire, England, which has been interpreted as pointing to May 20, 2012 as an important date. It has many markings which appear to be Mayan. The crop circle references a solar eclipse, which will take place on May 20, 2012. The eclipse, coincides with other astronomical events including a conjunction of the Sun and the Pleiades, and a planetary alignment of several planets in the constellation of Taurus.
The prophecies of Nostradamus (and others) appear to discuss this date as well. There is a general consensus that something major is going to happen on May 20. A great earthquake? Hail storms? Volcanoes? A comet? A pole shift? An extra-terrestrial encounter? The Harvest? Yesterday, I performed a research Deep Trance Meditation session to investigate the May 20 date and to find out what significance it has. What was revealed is that, indeed, it will be a pivotal point between the different forces affecting the planet. A shift that will affect the rotation of the planet may occur. To listen to the entire DTM session, please click on the link below. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter message

The Christian observances of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, is also related to Passover and the Islamic Day of Ashura.

Easter weekend in 2012 is an important one. There is a full moon and profound astrological influences are causing a lot of disturbances to take place in our society. This last week has been difficult for many people. There is much anger in the world. From my perspective the world we live in is changing very quickly.

Several people are having profound personal experiences or visitations from religious Saints or Avatars. Like the Virgin Mary or Satha Sai Baba, or Angels like Michael Ariel Gabriel and Rubin. Prophetic visions of the future are also being given to many people everywhere. Perhaps you a receiving such divine communications too?

This is a most important time to pay attention to those revelations or visitations that one might receive in dreams or visions or meditations. Don't dismiss them as figments of your imagination -pay close attention.

Some of you know that Mother Mary has appeared to me four times now. Other spiritual beings have appeared over decades as well. Take any appearance as a compliment when a divine being comes to you in a vision, or a dreamlike state, or in a meditation. it's a sign of your progression and worthiness.

When life changing things are about to happen and you are on a spiritual path such a visitation should be welcomed provided you don't jump to conclusions. Try to follow the advice even if it seems unusual. Patience maybe required to figure out the truth. Stepping back from a situation and not reacting emotionally usually lets you see the truth revealed. The full moon tends to exasperate situations.

In the Christian world the Easter weekend represents that Jesus the Christ "died for our sins". This teaching by the church is traditionally recognized by his crucifixion and resurrection.

It is my personal belief that our beloved elder brother’s sacrifice does not absolve us of our karma or spiritual mistakes we call sins. Rather the meaning of the resurrection of my spiritual beliefs shows a way how we can overcome our inadequacies or spiritual shortcomings, and be forgiven. This gives a seeker hope that no matter how we are mistreated that God Almighty loves us and we are not alone.

One might come to believe that when one is not afraid to die - then all other fears or worries in human life are inconsequential.

Each of us may experience a resurrection time in our lives. Meaning the old ways we used to think and believe die away and we have a chance to allow our spiritual selves to come forward. To be resurrected with a closeness to God Almighty. In the metaphysical world it might be called an awakening, or an awareness or self-awareness of our soul. Which implies that each of us has the capability to look within, gain enlightenment and become closer to God Almighty.

In 2012 we may need to pray for opportunities to look within ourselves to become a better person by being more compassionate, and forgiving. If this is done then we may gain something wonderful and precious. Take no action unless it is based in love. Anything else would be an error.

Now is an important spiritual or religious time of our year which means communications from the divine at this time are very special. Perhaps you've had a vivid dream or vision, with the divine. If this has happened in the last few days it should be considered a golden opportunity or gift to you from the divine. Has Mother Mary appeared to you? listen to her words. If your Guru or Angel has appeared listen to their words carefully.

Perhaps you have accused someone of something without knowing all the facts? Sometimes our ego gets in the way and we may think we know the truth but we base our opinion from past experiences or our fears. We assume what is happening now is the same as before, and of course that may be an error.

Contrarily it would be better to act compassionately to bring a little more love into your life, and the lives of others that are meaningful to you? Whatever you do this weekend your actions will change your life. people are in prayer hall of the world in their various religious ceremonies. It is a time when people are reaching out to the divine. Hopefully these activities will change your life for the better. You have before you light and life or death and darkness. Choose which you will choose. You have free will and free choice use it for good. I would choose light and life.

As you pray to God Almighty for guidance in your life, remember to have your prayers answered you should first what it is you want others to do. If you want others to be forgiving, then be forgiving every day.

Jesus the Christ was called a criminal, a thief and a blasphemous heretic who pretended to be King of the Jews. He was tortured and went through a sham of a trial so he could be executed. He was abandoned by his friends and his disciples were afraid to stand by him or even acknowledge him. His last earthly action was to pray to God his father just before he died on the cross. Three days later he arose from his tomb, conquering death.

Jesus the Christ gives us hope. At those times which seem hopeless we should take care to remember that there is a divine plan for us all. If we listen to hear the words of wisdom from the divine they will come. Mother Mary may come to comfort you when falsely accused, or abandoned by your friends, or crucified for your beliefs. By remaining quiet and trusting in the Divine you will survive and thrive.

Easter weekend should be viewed as a time in which new hope can rise out of despair. If you are feeling sad, anxious, fearful, or even angry, just now don’t do anything you would regret tomorrow or next week. Pray for guidance and be loving in everything to do. To do so... I am sure you will not regret what you are doing today.

Trust in God Almighty, be forgiving with those you love. If you do this you will have a future filled with love.

Take care my friends, take care of me, and I will take care of you, all I ask is you send me your love.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Lecture on 2012 and the New Renaissance, Toronto, March 31, 2012.

My appearance at the Conspiracy Culture Bookshop in a trendy upscale part of Toronto's West End was a huge success last Saturday night. The large storefront bookstore was packed with very intelligent people who are interested in hearing me speak. I am very grateful for their support and their interest in my work and I thank them as well as my friend Patrick owner operator of the bookstore On Queen St., West in Toronto.

Many people in the audience came to the lecture after listening in to the Richard Syrett radio show AM740 last week. Along with my son Doug and our good friend Robert Appel we talked about the prophecies in our new book and what's in store for planet Earth.

I am pleased to say the questions from the audience (at the filled to capacity bookstore) were amazing. I'm sure if you were there you would have asked many of the same questions. This was an exciting lecture about the future and what is beyond 2012. I was asked "why we are going through this renaissance time"? What to we do to prepare for a coming time of chaos? Can the human race not only survive but thrive?

I explained in some detail why this time of renovation is necessary- from a cosmic point of view-and why we should be looking at this time of chaos not from a fearful point of view but we should look to the future with hope.

In my lecture I discussed why our world is going through this New Renaissance or a time of "renovation" as the DTM source refers to it and why it is important people buy this book and share the information to help everyone prepare for the soon coming events that will change the face of our earth and society as we know.

I hope you enjoy listening to this entertaining and informative lecture as much as I enjoyed giving it.
Click here to listen Thank you to the several emails and calls the link to the lecture is now working. Sorry for the inconvenience DJC
Call my office 905-393-5104 to order your copy or drop in to the the bookshop at 1696 Queen St West Toronto ON 416.916.1696

Friday, March 30, 2012

Upcoming Classes and Events with Douglas James Cottrell

If you are in the Toronto or Hamilton area here's where you can meet Dr Douglas in Person

Saturday March 31 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
MMSCI Members and Volunteers Meet Up Group. Come and share in some ideas for Many Mansions Spiritual Centre. Meet new people of like mind! Free.
Many Mansions Spiritual Centre, 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton

Saturday March 31 at 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Free Lecture on 2012 and the New Renaissance. Douglas will also answer your questions. Copies of his new book will be available. Come and get your copy signed!
Conspiracy Culture Bookstore, 1696 Queen St W, Toronto

Sunday April 1 at 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Spiritual Energy Healing Service with Douglas James Cottrell. By donation.
Many Mansions Spiritual Centre, 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton

Tuesday April 3 at 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Meditation Class with Mona Rezaie and Douglas James Cottrell. By donation.
Many Mansions Spiritual Centre, 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton

Wednesday April 4 at 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Energy Healing / Reiki Class with Fred Kaus. By donation.
Many Mansions Spiritual Centre, 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton

Thursday April 5 at 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Class on "Dowsing, Rods, Pendulums and Map Work" with Douglas James Cottrell
Many Mansions Spiritual Centre, 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton

For details please visit http://www.douglasjamescottrell.com/calendar.html


Doug M Cottrell, BA, MA

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mission in Cuba

This isn’t really a dream it’s more like a dream vision with an audible message.
This morning March 27, 2012 about 7:30 am or so I woke up hearing (in my mind) the words “Mission in Cuba”. As I woke up a profound feeling of being frightened seem to overwhelm me. My thought to myself I don’t want to go to Cuba. Why would the cosmos to send me there?

Later on today I was informed that his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI perform a Mass in the Plaza de la Revolution Antonio Maceo in Santiago, Cuba yesterday, Monday 26th. Because I felt such a profound fear I did not remember what else was taking place in this dream vision. I regret to say that the Pope may be in some sort of Jeopardy if this dream vision concerns him. otherwise this might be a warning to me not to go to Cuba.

Cuba has several proclaimed Atheists States. There are also many dissidents who don’t want the Pope in Cuba. The Pontiff is apparently going to champion the release from a Cuban jail, an American businessman Mr. Alan Gross, after his wife Judy appealed to his Holiness to intervene.

I can recollect that when I had other such "feelings of fear" they occurred prior to world changing events. For instance a week or two before the Towers in New York City were attacked by passenger airliners, (commonly known as 9/11) and the week before earthquake catastrophes struck Japan in March of last year, (commonly known as 3/11).

After my morning scare the rest of the day seemed to have gone fairly well. Whatever was implied about a trip to Cuba the strong emotions slam the door on obtaining any further details regarding this dream vision. hopefully this intuition will have nothing to do with a successful trip by his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

May God Almighty and all the angels above please protect his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI from any and all negative influences, regardless of their source.

May his Holiness mission be successful in bringing more light and hope into Cuba. May the Cuban people be blessed with all aspects from God Almighty, health, wealth, and peace of mind.

Douglas James Cottrell PhD

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Peace is breaking out in the Middle East.

I first learned about this story early this morning from my close colleague in Spain. You will hear a lot about this story- it deserves a great deal of exposure. Please pass it on.

Peace is breaking out in the Middle East. So say people on Facebook who live there!

Whatever your preconceived notions about people in the Middle East might be there is one thing we (in the west) should all keep, and that is an open mind. People are just people like you and I. When we hear stories in the news that Iran is going to blow up the world in the Middle East with atomic weapons or bombs and attack their historical enemies the Israelis... we should keep in mind that ordinary people are not the ones with their figures on the triggers. ^There is always hope that God Almighty might send an angel or two to the rescue.

Today something amazing happened
to shed some light on an otherwise dark time in the Middle East, and it gives the world hope. Amazingly it started with just one family.

God Almighty always starts with a seed.
Recently on Facebook a message from 2 young Israelis Roni Edry and his wife Michal Tamir, started their own private peace initiative. They sent a Facebook message to Iranians last Thursday (that was enthusiastically received around the planet)

"We will never bomb your country. We love you. People from all over the world have responded by expressing love and admiration for this couples initiative. Yes peace maybe breaking out in the Middle East.

Through the power of Facebook
this couple and 6 friends are working away responding to people on Facebook and posting messages they receive from thousands of Iranians and concerned people everywhere. Apparently thousands of Israelis are responding back with messages like”we love you too”. This is the power of one rally good idea that might just convince the politicians in Iran and Israel that the people of their respective countries do not want war. The good in people always comes out. This is “the law of one” in action. We are all connected we are all one. This story is going around the world in major media. You can add your name to the Facebook page or make comments there yourself. Please do…

The new Renaissance of 2012 and in the years to come is not the ending of our world by destruction, but rather it’s the beginning of a new world in which people will communicate with each other through expressions of love, tolerance and compassion. Ordinary people who want to live in peace with each other. if we don't change our ways the world is going to rebel(as I've prophesies in my new book).

In "The New Renaissance" book there is a prophecy stating how the world may be changed by just one person or ordinary people. I explain how "The Law of One" refers to people who have the will to act lovingly, unselfishly, and compassionately to change the course of the world. They will be assisted by Divine spiritual influences (as the Hopi Indians predicted) to help avert disaster or at the very least diminish Earth changes or extremes. This heartwarming story of two Israelis starting a Facebook page campaign simply saying we love you seems to fit the prophecy and proves the point that ordinary people can change the world quickly. By changing the way people think they changed the way people act and therefore they change the world. Thank God for the power of the Internet.

Politicians and world leaders may for their own reasons, political or otherwise look to violent solutions as a last resort to settle differences of opinion. It always seems that war started over real estate oil or treasure. Perhaps common sense and love for humankind combined with the power of the Internet or Facebook will find a new way to avoid bloodshed and war. historically violence never resolved anything in fact it led to more violence.

People inherently do not want war. Facebook and the Internet allow a platform for the expression of each and every one for better or worse. Majority rules this is true. Let the light of the Internet banish the darkness of fear, greed, and vengeance.

I have often said one person can change the course of our world. Here are two people and a few friends hopefully changing the course of a Middle East and avoiding possible atomic war. This is an example of the spiritual power that each of us has even though we may think we are insignificant and could not possibly affect the world and change its course.

This is a historical moment showing us that we are all connected and we can by standing up for truth, and love perhaps change the course of the world from spiraling downward. If Iranians and the Israelis can reach out to each other over the Internet and on Facebook when their politicians are in Washington talking war, then they just might be able to start an initiative that will save each other and perhaps the world. Certainly let’s hope they will the successful. Bombs and bullets never saved anyone.

We are all connected. What we do to each other we do to ourselves. Let it be love this time.

Please let there be peace in the Middle East God Almighty.
In Light
Douglas James Cottrell PhD

Interested in getting a copy of my new book " The New Renaissance" for 2012 and beyond. call (905) 393-5104 or visit my web site www.DouglasJamesCottreell.com
For more information here's a link to an article on the web

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello friends of Douglas James Cottrell

You can catch Douglas James Cottrell on the radio this Sunday, March 25, 2012 at midnight (Toronto time). Douglas will be talking about the prophecies he has made on 2012 and the years beyond in his latest book, The New Renaissance: A Prophecy of 2012 and Beyond.

Sunday, March 25, 2012
12:00 AM - 1:00 AM EST
The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett
AM 740 Zoomer Radio (Toronto)

Are you good with languages? Interested in helping Douglas with his work? We are looking for enthusiastic people just like you to volunteer some expertise to assist Douglas in his mission to inspire others to develop their spiritual abilities. Right now we are looking for people to translate his book, The New Renaissance, into other languages. For more information, email us at info@douglasjamescottrell.com

Upcoming Classes and Services with Douglas

Sun March 25, 2012
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Spiritual Healing Service
Facilitator: Douglas James Cottrell.
By donation.

Tues March 27, 2012
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Weekly Meditation Class
Facilitator: Mona Rezaie (and Douglas).
By donation.

Wed March 28, 2012
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Energy Healing / Reiki
Facilitator: Fred Kaus
An MMSCI sponsored event.
By donation.

Thurs March 29, 2012
7:30 - 9:30 PM
Weekly Spiritual Development Class with Douglas James Cottrell (topic TBA)

Sat March 31, 2012
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
MMSCI Members and Volunteers Meet Up Group
Discussion and planning of programs, plus social. (free)

Location: 180 Beach Blvd., Hamilton, ON, L8H 6V9
Call 289-396-7699 or visit www.douglasjamescottrell.com/calendar

stay well and in the light
Staff for Dr Douglas

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Douglas newest book - THE NEW RENAISSANCE available in paperback

Hello friends of Douglas James Cottrell:

Douglas's new book, THE NEW RENAISSANCE: A PROPHECY OF 2012 AND BEYOND will be available in paperback this Thursday, March 15.

Predictions that Douglas has been making since the 1970s are coming true now:
• Mt Etna has become active again
• earthquake activity has increased all over the world
• extreme weather is being reported in Europe and North America
• the temperatures of the oceans are increasing, and the polar ice caps are melting
• sunspot activity and solar storms are at an all-time high
• there is social unrest and rioting in Europe
• tensions are mounting in the Middle East

In THE NEW RENAISSANCE, you will learn the chain of events that is about to take place in the environment so that you can prepare now.

Find out the 10 essential items everyone needs to survive the challenges we are about to face.

Plus read about the changes that are taking place in your soul as we enter this time of extremes!

Customer Review:
"This book forecasts earth, economic and governmental changes without the fear in other 2012 books. Dr Cottrell tells us that our consciousness is tied in with the earth and our clear, loving and judgement-free vision can create a beautiful new world. This is in keeping with other greats who tap into the Infinite Intelligence. The few clear visions I have had exactly match Dr. Cottrell's for particular areas. Much love and thanks for a book that comes from a loving and broad perspective."

Order your copy today and take advantage of our special offer of a discount of 25% off. That's a savings of $10 off the retail price of $39.95! Hurry, as this offer will expire on Thursday, March 15, when the book will be available to the public.

Use the special discount code PRESALE upon checkout or when you call by phone to order.

To order by phone, call 950-393-5104

or order online at:www.intuitivemeditationstore.com/

Douglas M Cottrell, BA, MA

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday Service - We are all one Feb 26 2012

Greetings my friends.
Every Sunday I hold a Spiritual Church Service and an Energy Healing Event (spiritual laying on of hands for profound healing physically emotionally mentally and financially and spiritually) 2 PM to 4 PM. located at the Many Mansions Spiritual Centre in Hamilton ON. You are personally invited to attend and we would love to see you with your friends or family children welcome. for more information please call the center at 289-396-7699.

If you are unable to attend but would like to listen-in to the my talk please see below. I have made arrangements to let you enjoy this exciting topic by clicking on the free link below. Please feel free to pass this around to anyone you think might be interested our spiritual service.

Donations are appreciated and may be sent to 180 Beach Blvd. Hamilton ON L8H 6V9 you may also call the center and make a donation by credit card. 289-396-7699.

Wishing you Health Wealth and Peace of Mind
Rev. Douglas


Monday, February 20, 2012

Today is February 20 2012 and in Canada it is a holiday celebrating Family day. My beautiful granddaughter is now three weeks old. Mom and Dad spent a lot of time deciding that Chloe would be her name. She arrived weighing in at 9 pounds 7 ounces and is growing up very fast. This was the second time I have seen my granddaughter in three weeks. "Papa" is very proud of her. I wish Chloe a wonderful life of success and happiness. I pray to God Almighty that she may be filled with all of God's aspects: Health, Wealth, and Peace of mind, and of course prosperity for all of her long life. Coming into our world in 2012 Chloe has picked an auspicious time to start her new life. Surely she will contribute to the world in some special way and also contribute to the new Renaissance of planet Earth in the years ahead. as will all those wonderful souls who have chosen this time to start their new beginning.

I thought it would share this picture of my granddaughter to celebrate family day here in Canada. I am reminded that the most beautiful thing in the world is... a new life.

I'm not feeling that well because my friends in Spain are suffering terribly. Stories in the news today are reporting that the new government is causing all sorts of difficulty for the people in the country. In an interview in the Spanish Magazine ATHANOR when I was there in the Spring of 2011 I had mentioned that there was going to be a lot of strife coming to Spain with labor unrest and people would be demonstrating in the street. I wish my friends in Spain love and peace.

I am here at the center working all by myself waiting for a call from a friend in the world. I think I'll called it a day and go take a short walk to clear my head and to get a breath of fresh air.

It's a beautiful walk along the boardwalk next to the lake. I may even walk on the sandy beach and try to skip a stone or two across the surface of the water. Lake Ontario is one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. It's a beautiful site just across from our spiritual facility we like to call "the Mansion" (a huge complex) here on 180 Beach Blvd. in Hamilton. if you care to join me you're invited anytime. 289 396-7699 hope to see you soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Keep an eye on Italy’s Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius

L.G. sent in this comment:
I have been enjoying these excerpts from the upcoming e-book. In this excerpt, you mentioned flooding on the East Coast. Several nights ago, I had an unsettling dream. I dream that I was at a gathering which may or may not have been at my childhood home. There were about 10 to 15 male and females there, all looking non-descript with the exception of each wearing a similar but different colored t-shirt. They said to me, you have to get ready to go. I said, "What for?” meaning that I had no intention of going anywhere. Then they repeated the command again but this time they said, "You have three months until the flood." Being the stubborn self that I am, I would have none of this. So then they showed or handed me a yellow or mustard colored book with symbols on it. I did not know what these symbols meant. They reminded me of, perhaps biblical or Hebraic symbols, maybe hieroglyphics or some of the writing that people say that they have seen on extraterrestrial space craft.
- L.G. in Pittsburgh

Many people can see or perceive the future. In doing so a few think that by dreaming of an event, they are causing it to happen. Seeing the future in meditation, dreams or visions is something like reading “the psychic newspaper” headlines. At least I have referred to this type of intuition as such. In our fast selling new book “The New Renaissance: A Prophecy for 2012 and Beyond “ I have written of the future Earth changes described in great detail as seen intuitively.

I have also given reasons why these events are happening which gives credibility and logical explanations why these things are happening. I believe this gives the book a dimension to forecast what is going to happen in this chaotic time ahead as believable. The reviews of my book are very good. I’m very pleased that people find it a “must read” and are recommending it to their friends, and are even buying extra copies and handing them out to help. This nudge aside… above is a note recently received from a lady who after purchasing a copy of my book through my online store and reading an excerpt I dream vision was incubated. I thank her for her comments which are indicative of how people generally view their own prophecy, spiritual experiences or impressions. I believe it is very common when “news” from the intuitive or contemplative mind is revealed regarding something that is completely foreign or unexpected, it at first conflicts with the intellectual or rational mind.

After reading my book about the Earth changes L.G. had a vision which I would call both a prophecy and an angelic visitation. Everyone can have such experiences and should be prepared to look at them as such. This woman was given information from the Divine and her intellectual or personality mind is getting in the way. She even admits to being stubborn. These mystical experiences during sleep is not unlike the biblical stories of an angel talking to ordinary people (of the day) warning them about future catastrophes. This lady is given specific information and being told to move away as a giant flood is coming.

This type of direction comes from her high self and her spiritual guides or even family members who’ve gone beyond. Notice that this communication is more then a request to move away and save herself, nor is it wishy-washy or unclear. The ordinary people in different colored T-shirts represent angels or spiritual guides that are watching over her.

Notice she uses the word “command” that she should move away. This visitation should be taken very serious. These spiritual beings told her that she has three months until the flood. Sometimes three months can be actually three months or it could be three years. I believe with the urgency and what is happening in the world with volcanoes and earthquakes this time frame should be considered three months. As some of the entities in multi-coloured T-shirts seem to remind her of her childhood home, I wonder did she live on the East Coast of the USA.

Were these actually her childhood friends or were they entities from the dimensions above that we would refer to as angels or spiritual guides. It doesn’t really matter. It only matters that she listens to this advice. After reading my book this visitation was provoked because her mind was reaching out looking for answers, looking for truth, into the heavenly dimensions above regarding the earth changes that are coming and of course might affect herself and her family. It was a miscommunication agrees with what I have written in my new book.

The additional aspect of being shown a yellow or mustard colour book (I get the impression this would mean an old book) would mean that the future has already been written, and a flood is going to happen. I think it’s interesting to note the symbols that she couldn’t quite read but had some idea about might be from biblical or Hebraic symbols, maybe hieroglyphics… or as seen on extraterrestrial space craft” I submit these symbols might be an ancient language and refer to ancient times or perhaps times of a previous great flood that destroyed the fabled continent of Atlantis. Perhaps these friends in her dream vision were her comrades in a previous experience...... in ancient Atlantis.

What would you do if you had such a mystical, spiritual, experience?

Would you act on it or would you dismiss it as being only a dream or your imagination? I remind you that a man named Noah was given spiritual or mystical information [Noah's Ark (Hebrew: תיבת נח‎, Teyvat Noaḥ in Classical Hebrew is a vessel appearing in the Book of Genesis chapters 6–9 and the Quran surahs Hud and Al-Mu’minoon] and he listen to the divine guidance built a big ship and saved his family. All E.G. has to do is move away.

With some research perhaps E.G. can interpret these symbols. This was a very important spiritual communication or prophecy. This in my opinion is a biblical-like warning from the Divine. The question is -will this flood happen in three months? The reality is it is going to happen. These visitors in the woman’s vision certainly gave the impression that there was urgency and she only has a short time. I believe this advice should sincerely be considered.

The thought comes to my mind “as it is written so it shall be”.

If you would like to have your own copy of my new book, go to my website and click on the store to order a downloaded copy right now. You may also want to help your friends and relatives.
If you feel so motivated or guided from your heart, and I also make a suggest to purchase 10 copies of my book “The New Renaissance: A Prophecy for 2012 and Beyond and give them away to people you would like to help or think would consider this book helpful. This book will guide them to a greater understanding of how to be prepared for what certainly is coming.

I suggest we all keep an eye on Italy’s Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius (as my book points out) when these to volcanoes erupt at the same time…. it’s the beginning of major Earth changes there will be coming quickly and leading up to a possible Pole shift. Be prepared, read my book, and it just might be able to help. I’m sure the people that stood outside of Noah’s Ark wished that they had not been so quick to dismiss what at first seems to be impossible, but as the signs come and go, for those who are paying attention our future seems to be though we will go through earth changes where our earth may tumble or wobble on its axis.

The recent weather changes, the heating up of the oceans, ice caps melting, and volcanic eruptions occurring faster than ever before; the celestial events in the heavens above, as well as the events on earth are pointing to this certainty.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cheri remembered

Just a little note to my daughter Cheri Anne Karen Cottrell 1968 – 2006 who lives in the heavens above. Today we remember you on this special day, the day when you passed away six years ago. God it seems like yesterday you were alive in this world. Always smiling never complaining inspiring everyone you met with your courage and your patience.

A few days after you passed away you came into my dream and told me I would "forget you". I was startled by your telling me this and I assured you I never forget you. I remember three times you assured me "oh yes you will" before you faded into the darkness of my dream vision.

I remember how hurtful I felt that you would think I would forget you my dear. Yet as you have been my teacher all of your life, you taught me once again that there is indeed, “life after death”. I recall your memorial service attended by several hundred people. Some who were close to you but many whom you never met.

I remember how cards and E-mails of condolences came in from all over the world. Cheri you were a little girl who was bedridden for most of your life - save for those happy times in your wheelchair going for walks around the block. It was amazing to see how many people were compelled to be at your Memorial service, and who sent those precious floral bouquets that made my heart leap with appreciation when they were delivered to our home.

To lose a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. To lose you Cheri was mine. I know many things and until that moment I “believed” in life after death, but like most everyone how could I be absolutely sure?

Now I know I don't need to believe - I have evidence. In your way you gave me proof that was undeniable that you were alive in the spirit and you were teaching me this important lesson once and for all. As I think back it was absolutely amazing how you chose those precious words, telling me I would “forget you”, and repeating the words "oh yes you will" in a happy singsong way that were just perfect to describe what would happened.

I smile as I recall the events -in all the confusion at your memorial rushing back to our house for the reception of our guests (you had foreseen these events) and they would teach me for certain there was life after death.

I was busy in the house with your mother (Karen)and your brother Doug. The guests were mingling -coffee and sandwiches were being served. I had asked your brother Jason and your sister Louise to make sure we had retrieved the pictures and flowers use at your Memorial. They were the last ones to leave the chapel and returned home several minutes after everyone else.

This was a good idea because the funeral director had documents that we should have taken home with us. Your sister Louise reported this to me and then she said something that froze that moment in time. It seems my dear Cheri you are absolutely right. Not only did I forget to take the documents but I had forgotten you my dear. I was so concerned about organizing the reception that I had left you in your Urn in the chapel. I regret this dearest Cheri but tears came to my eyes when Louise told me what had happened. I could hear your words crystal clear repeating in my mind (in that singsong way) “OH YES YOU WILL”.

Thank you Cheri for all you have been. I and your family will never forget you. Most importantly I will never forget that you have proven to me (and to all those whom I have told this story to) that there is "life after physical death".

May God bless you and keep you close. Please know that your family is loving you and that you will never ever be forgotten -EVER!

We know now you were an angel.
Daddy Mommy your brothers and sister

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New DTM Research Gives Insight into these Tough Times

A few days ago I performed another research deep trance meditation (DTM) session. The session revealed that the increase in solar activity may be affecting you emotionally and spiritually, and you may not even aware. Have you been feeling listless, anxious, depressed? There has been activity recently in the solar system that may be the cause!

To listen to the audio excerpt, of that DTM session, click here

A news article appearing today seems to be confirming this. To read more about the solar storms now taking place, read this article in The National Post: "Biggest Solar Storm Since 2005 Pummels Earth"

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Here is the latest Youtube video produced by my close friend Rammsteinregeln regarding my new book, "The New Renaissance: A Prophecy of 2012 and Beyond."

Click here to pre-order your copy of the book or for more information.

Friday, January 13, 2012

“The New Renaissance: A prophecy for 2012 and Beyond"

The last 2 weeks have been a roller coaster for many of us. When in contact with many friends and clients there seemed to be a consensus that Christmas “didn’t feel like Christmas this year”. Since the first of the year a feeling of panic and even depression was in the air.

This “energy of conflict” was evident in the news media as tragic and horrible news stories dominated the media ( we can expect more such headlines). There may still be this “energy of conflict” out there but it seems to be abating on a personal emotional level. Friday Jan 6 at 10 am seemed to welcome in a reprieve and then the weekend was difficult. Tuesday 10th was hard but by Wed 11th at 4 pm the curtain of sadness seemed to lift. I believe these “feelings” are a result of the energy we are in. We feel it more then at any other time because we live in a heightened time of awareness. This place in space and all the influences around us have "tuned" us into the feelings of our Planet.

If you have been watching the news Mount Etna Volcano (Sicily) erupted sending a plum of ash more than 5000 meter in to the sky threatening air traffic. I had predicted a January eruption by the way. The place to watch is Italy's Mt. Vesuvius. When this most dangerous volcano erupts at or about the same time as Etna the countdown to a pole shift and major changes that will change the face of planet Earth will begin and be irreversible. There is still time yet to soften the effects of these events.

We are all one connected to each other as humans but also to every living thing including the planet and everything upon it. This connection is called “The Law of One”. This is the ancient Atlantis religion “Sons of the law of one” that separated the enlightened souls on Earth from the “Sons of Belial” or Belgil who were selfish destructive materialistic souls. The conflicts between these two groups resulted in the destruction of Atlantis. In today’s world there seems to be the same conflicts. Are we doomed to repeat this destruction of our planet as the Hopi Indians and many others have predicted or can we save ourselves form ourselves? I believe we can…

In my new downloadable book “The New Renaissance: A prophecy for 2012 and beyond” I have intuitively looked into the future to see what is in store for our planet and the world we live in. This book features practical advice to protect yourself and your family during these chaotic, and challenging times! The world is rebelling, but you can survive and thrive! Pre-order now and save 50% off the retail price (Limited time offer)This is a must have if you want to know what is going to happen to the world we live in and how you can meet those things that will be deemed chaotic. If have been following the predictions I have made about Earth changes which have come true- and you want to know what is next in store for us in the very near future. Don't wait please go to my web site right now and for $19.95 you will know what is in store for us, what to expect, and how to stay safe. Here is a chance to gain insights into our future as I have prophesied, to be prepared for the uncertain times ahead. Click here to place your order today. Act now to get your pre-order discount of 50% off.

More information or assistance In Canada call our office and ask for Barbara (905) 393 5104 Tuesday to Thursday 10 am to 6 pm please leave messages at other times
Wishing you Health Wealth and Peace of Mind