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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter message

The Christian observances of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, is also related to Passover and the Islamic Day of Ashura.

Easter weekend in 2012 is an important one. There is a full moon and profound astrological influences are causing a lot of disturbances to take place in our society. This last week has been difficult for many people. There is much anger in the world. From my perspective the world we live in is changing very quickly.

Several people are having profound personal experiences or visitations from religious Saints or Avatars. Like the Virgin Mary or Satha Sai Baba, or Angels like Michael Ariel Gabriel and Rubin. Prophetic visions of the future are also being given to many people everywhere. Perhaps you a receiving such divine communications too?

This is a most important time to pay attention to those revelations or visitations that one might receive in dreams or visions or meditations. Don't dismiss them as figments of your imagination -pay close attention.

Some of you know that Mother Mary has appeared to me four times now. Other spiritual beings have appeared over decades as well. Take any appearance as a compliment when a divine being comes to you in a vision, or a dreamlike state, or in a meditation. it's a sign of your progression and worthiness.

When life changing things are about to happen and you are on a spiritual path such a visitation should be welcomed provided you don't jump to conclusions. Try to follow the advice even if it seems unusual. Patience maybe required to figure out the truth. Stepping back from a situation and not reacting emotionally usually lets you see the truth revealed. The full moon tends to exasperate situations.

In the Christian world the Easter weekend represents that Jesus the Christ "died for our sins". This teaching by the church is traditionally recognized by his crucifixion and resurrection.

It is my personal belief that our beloved elder brother’s sacrifice does not absolve us of our karma or spiritual mistakes we call sins. Rather the meaning of the resurrection of my spiritual beliefs shows a way how we can overcome our inadequacies or spiritual shortcomings, and be forgiven. This gives a seeker hope that no matter how we are mistreated that God Almighty loves us and we are not alone.

One might come to believe that when one is not afraid to die - then all other fears or worries in human life are inconsequential.

Each of us may experience a resurrection time in our lives. Meaning the old ways we used to think and believe die away and we have a chance to allow our spiritual selves to come forward. To be resurrected with a closeness to God Almighty. In the metaphysical world it might be called an awakening, or an awareness or self-awareness of our soul. Which implies that each of us has the capability to look within, gain enlightenment and become closer to God Almighty.

In 2012 we may need to pray for opportunities to look within ourselves to become a better person by being more compassionate, and forgiving. If this is done then we may gain something wonderful and precious. Take no action unless it is based in love. Anything else would be an error.

Now is an important spiritual or religious time of our year which means communications from the divine at this time are very special. Perhaps you've had a vivid dream or vision, with the divine. If this has happened in the last few days it should be considered a golden opportunity or gift to you from the divine. Has Mother Mary appeared to you? listen to her words. If your Guru or Angel has appeared listen to their words carefully.

Perhaps you have accused someone of something without knowing all the facts? Sometimes our ego gets in the way and we may think we know the truth but we base our opinion from past experiences or our fears. We assume what is happening now is the same as before, and of course that may be an error.

Contrarily it would be better to act compassionately to bring a little more love into your life, and the lives of others that are meaningful to you? Whatever you do this weekend your actions will change your life. people are in prayer hall of the world in their various religious ceremonies. It is a time when people are reaching out to the divine. Hopefully these activities will change your life for the better. You have before you light and life or death and darkness. Choose which you will choose. You have free will and free choice use it for good. I would choose light and life.

As you pray to God Almighty for guidance in your life, remember to have your prayers answered you should first what it is you want others to do. If you want others to be forgiving, then be forgiving every day.

Jesus the Christ was called a criminal, a thief and a blasphemous heretic who pretended to be King of the Jews. He was tortured and went through a sham of a trial so he could be executed. He was abandoned by his friends and his disciples were afraid to stand by him or even acknowledge him. His last earthly action was to pray to God his father just before he died on the cross. Three days later he arose from his tomb, conquering death.

Jesus the Christ gives us hope. At those times which seem hopeless we should take care to remember that there is a divine plan for us all. If we listen to hear the words of wisdom from the divine they will come. Mother Mary may come to comfort you when falsely accused, or abandoned by your friends, or crucified for your beliefs. By remaining quiet and trusting in the Divine you will survive and thrive.

Easter weekend should be viewed as a time in which new hope can rise out of despair. If you are feeling sad, anxious, fearful, or even angry, just now don’t do anything you would regret tomorrow or next week. Pray for guidance and be loving in everything to do. To do so... I am sure you will not regret what you are doing today.

Trust in God Almighty, be forgiving with those you love. If you do this you will have a future filled with love.

Take care my friends, take care of me, and I will take care of you, all I ask is you send me your love.



  1. Thank you Reverend Douglas!! Happy Easter to you and the Cottrell Family!!

    Big Bob & Mary
