This isn’t really a dream it’s more like a dream vision with an audible message.
This morning March 27, 2012 about 7:30 am or so I woke up hearing (in my mind) the words “Mission in Cuba”. As I woke up a profound feeling of being frightened seem to overwhelm me. My thought to myself I don’t want to go to Cuba. Why would the cosmos to send me there?
Later on today I was informed that his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI perform a Mass in the Plaza de la Revolution Antonio Maceo in Santiago, Cuba yesterday, Monday 26th. Because I felt such a profound fear I did not remember what else was taking place in this dream vision. I regret to say that the Pope may be in some sort of Jeopardy if this dream vision concerns him. otherwise this might be a warning to me not to go to Cuba.
Cuba has several proclaimed Atheists States. There are also many dissidents who don’t want the Pope in Cuba. The Pontiff is apparently going to champion the release from a Cuban jail, an American businessman Mr. Alan Gross, after his wife Judy appealed to his Holiness to intervene.
I can recollect that when I had other such "feelings of fear" they occurred prior to world changing events. For instance a week or two before the Towers in New York City were attacked by passenger airliners, (commonly known as 9/11) and the week before earthquake catastrophes struck Japan in March of last year, (commonly known as 3/11).
After my morning scare the rest of the day seemed to have gone fairly well. Whatever was implied about a trip to Cuba the strong emotions slam the door on obtaining any further details regarding this dream vision. hopefully this intuition will have nothing to do with a successful trip by his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
May God Almighty and all the angels above please protect his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI from any and all negative influences, regardless of their source.
May his Holiness mission be successful in bringing more light and hope into Cuba. May the Cuban people be blessed with all aspects from God Almighty, health, wealth, and peace of mind.
Douglas James Cottrell PhD
congrats on your PHD. as far as your dream, any chance you can do a DTM to find out whats up?