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Monday, January 31, 2011

Listen to Spiritual Service from January 30, 2011

The lecture portion of the spiritual service from January 30, 2011 is now online. Click on the link below to listen or download. If you feel moved to pledge a donation to our charity (Many Mansions Spiritual Centre Inc.) please click here to make a donation. We operate by donations and could not continue without your generous support. Thank you.

Click here to listen to or download audio recording.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Reflections on the Anniversary of my Daughter's Passing

Today Friday January 28 2011 marks the 5th anniversary of my beloved daughter Cheri Anne Cottrell’s passing. Cheri was 38 years young when she decided to make the transition. I reflect here as I have often said to audiences, groups and clients too, that Cheri came into this world with a divine purpose and if it were not for Cheri and her precious life with us “you and I would not be talking." I will reiterate that here.

Cheri went through a lot during her young life. She suffered through a difficult birth and later the painful probing and examinations of highly skilled medical people, whose examinations, knowledge, and skills were fruitless in determining the cause of her seizures (or how to stop them).

After extensive and exhaustive medical examinations by doctors and specialists in hospital after hospital and clinic after clinic, the collective conclusion was to place Cheri in an institution (may you as a parent, never face such a choice). Arrangements were reluctantly made for Cheri to leave the family for a “bed” in a faraway institution or “home” for “retarded” and “handicapped children” near Bellville Ontario. My wife Karen and I cried as we drove away from “that place” in 1972 and I am almost crying now as I remember that fateful day. Cheri was on a mission in her life, and we didn’t even know it.

You see, out of that tragedy came enlightenment for Cheri’s family. Make no mistake: to have a handicapped child is a huge burden. The costs are enormous, and the time commitment is 24 hours a day for life. A parent automatically becomes an advocate for the helpless and dependent, as its not easy being in the home care system. You are treated with suspicion always, and your governmental case worker is either an angel who has a willingness to help you, or a demon that holds back services and funds for reasons that are usually absurd.

If you know of such a family or have a “special” child in your extended family, give them money often (they need it) and spend some time with that child. Babysit the child, so the parents can have a rest, or go to a movie. Make a commitment to read a book, or play with the special person for one hour a week and keep the commitment up. I can’t promise benefits will come or you. But I do believe they will. You might be earning good Karma or shedding bad Karma. I can only reflect on the huge blessing Cheri gave to us.

When things look hopeless in the world, then look to the Great Beyond for Divine help. It is available. Angels are everywhere, and other saints and Avatars are in the world here and now. Your question is: “Where are they?” My answer is: “Look for them.” Don’t believe naively. “Faith is built upon Belief, and Belief is built upon EVIDENCE”. Look everywhere to find answers with evidence which is truthful! The Divine has a way of working with you, but you have to ask first. The old parable of "knocking and seeking and ye shall find" is as valid today as it was in the time when Jesus the Christ walked the Earth.

Always wanting to know if something could be done for Cheri, my friend and coworker Bill O. at the Toronto Star newspaper handed me a book “There Is A River” about an American intuitive of the 1940s era. This remarkable man was the Great Mr. Edgar Cayce, who was documented as being able to psychically see what was wrong with a person’s health and give remedies that might be helpful for them. This chance encounter with Bill gave me and my family hope. "Where can I find such a man like Cayce?" I would pray.

Divine intervention came to us through the ability of a very intuitive man. In 1974, Mr. “Ross Peterson” (aka Peter Weber) was a guest on the Allen Spraggett TV show “ESP: Extra Special People” (1974). He was doing a “deep trance meditation” health reading on a person who was not present. A doctor, Logan Stanfield, was a guest on that show, evaluating this “psychic phenomena”. Mr. Peterson’s intuitive ability was amazing and his account of the person's health was correct, according to the doctor.

Here at last was THE man that could tell Karen and I what, if anything, could be done for Cheri.

Soon after contacting Mr. Peterson in Toronto, Karen and I had our first “psychic” reading. We were terrified and excited at the same time. I was 24 years old. The universe was opening and I didn’t even know it.

The reason for Cheri’s seizures and subsequent placement in the “home” was due to cervical (neck) bones (Atlas and Axis vertebrae) pinching her spinal cord. Here at last was an explanation or reason for Cheri’s condition. And the “medications” she was taking were “poisoning her” (he said) I immediately thought, "no one told him she was on medication." Here was an answer that made sense to me. Why didn’t the medical doctors tell us this was the reason she was convulsing after her difficult birth? I leave that answer open to speculation.

Based on the strength of this DTM reading, my wife and I decided to boldly go ahead and bring our dear Cheri home. This was, of course, against the wisdom of the older and wiser “well intended” relatives not to do so. These were the ones who never visited Cheri in Belleville, nor supported us in any way prior to Cheri being placed in the institution. The staff, also being well intended, threatened that Cheri would loose her “bed” (or place) if we didn’t return her within two weeks. Cheri’s life expectancy (we were assured) was eight to twelve years. At that time, Cheri was six and a half years old. Cheri was coming home, as she had a chance (albeit a slim one, but it was a chance) for a life, instead of a living death in a place far from her family.

From that day to this, Cheri has been an inspiration to me, my family, and many others. Indeed, we may have trying times or challenges, but pain wakes us up; pleasure puts us to sleep. The secret is to look for solutions or alternatives, and never stop until you find a remedy. The intuitive way, using spiritual gifts like dreams and visions or clairvoyance or gut feelings and hunches, is a way to start. Mr. Cayce and Mr. Peterson (and Mr. Paul Solomon), "the Sleeping Prophets," have shown that there is a metaphysical way and/or a spiritual way to overcome any challenge life may throw at you. Most importantly, those problems that seem overwhelming may be, in the long run, a blessing which opens your mind to the spiritual and Divine dimensions or heavens above in the Great Beyond.

Cheri enriched my life and I didn’t even know it at the time. Cheri was an angel in disguise. Her life has been the light which guided us over the last thirty-six years or so. It was Cheri laying on her bed with that ever-present smile and that cheerful laughter, never saying a word, never enjoying any of the pleasures of life that we take for granted, ever trusting and being patient, that I and my family would get on the path which I believe we are now on.

My wife loved Cheri, and her sister Louise and brothers Doug and Jason think of her often. We don’t grieve. Instead we feel we have been blessed. Today we think of her and all the wonderful times Cheri had with us. Today I am grateful for her courage and willingness to help me in her way find my life’s work. May the angels and the Divine beings above bless Cheri and keep this great Soul in their bosom of the ever-lasting light.

Always remembered,
Love Dad

When it comes to life…. the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free! An Excerpt from a Deep Trance Meditation Session

Some believe that if you are given an ability from God, it is your duty to offer it for free - that one should not charge money for spiritual work. What are the ethics of using our spiritual abilities (prediction, premonition, spiritual healing, etc.) for personal gain?

In this Deep Trance Meditation session, a client asks the Source about using the DTM process for personal financial gain (specifically for stock and commodity speculation). The client's concern is whether there is any karma in using the ability to foresee movements in the stock market to increase his own personal wealth.

Note that this information is offered for its informational value only and remains the intellectual property of Douglas James Cottrell, copyright 2011.

Click here to listen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Latest Deep Trance Meditation Research and Predictions Now Available

On January 21 I did a research Deep Trance Meditation session for the group assembled at the Centre (this was our weekly DTM discussion night). The group submitted questions on a number of timely topics, such as the mass deaths of animals that occurred in the first week of January, how safe is it to consume genetically-modified foods, and a forecast for 2011, including the economy and earth/weather changes. The group also asked about the future of the Catholic Church and the Canadian health care system (both seem to be doing not so well these days).

The answer to the question about the mass animal deaths surprised and shocked everyone.

We are pleased to offer this session as an audio download through the Douglas Cottrell online store. Click here for more information.

To suggest topics for future sessions, please leave a comment below.

Listen to Spiritual Service from January 23, 2011

The lecture portion of the service is now online. Click on the link below to listen or download. If you feel moved to pledge a donation to our charity (Many Mansions Spiritual Centre Inc.) please click here to make a donation. We operate by donations and could not continue without your generous support. Thank you.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Miracle Transformation Service This Sunday

Just a reminder that this Sunday’s service for January 23, 2011will be held at 1:30 PM. For those of you who are not able to come in person we will be posting the sermon or talk on this blog. Hope to see you on Sundays. My trip to Spain will take place in March and until then there will be weekly Sunday services every Sunday.

There is much going on as we continue the building process at the Centre. There are workshops available week nights and on Saturdays by some very good teachers and lecturers. For those of you that have made inquiries, we are setting aside a weekend for deep trance meditation (DTM) training. Please call asap if you are interested. You can check the website for information (or when in doubt confirm) by calling 289-396-7699 concerning MMSCI classes or Sunday Services. The Centre (MMSCI) is usually open between 10 am to 10 pm Monday to Saturday, Sunday 1 pm to 6 pm, Toronto (or New York) time. Calling is best to get a QUICK ANSWER for additional information or to confirm the time and date of our next event or service.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday Service Online

You may listen to/download the audio recording of my service from Sunday January 16 at the link below.


Climate Change - Pole Shifting

This is an interesting article about the sun rising over Greenland two days early, baffling the experts. My impression is that this is evidence that the earth is wobbling in its spin, like a top that is slowing down.

Experts say the sun should have risen over the Arctic nation's most westerly town, Ilulissat, yesterday, ending a month-and-a-half of winter darkness. But for the first time in history light began creeping over the horizon at around 1pm on Tuesday - 48 hours ahead of the usual date of 13 January.

Click here for the article:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Group Counseling Begins Tonight

Much has been going on these last few days here at Many Mansions Spiritual Centre. Tonight (Jan 13) at 7:30 pm, we commence a new feature at the Centre: Thursday Group Counseling. Dealing with life's challenges can be challenging. You do not need to face your obstacles on your own. I invite anyone who wishes to discuss their problems to join me at this open format, and I will do my best as an intuitive counselor to help you. This is by donation and open to everyone.

To keep up on all that is going on, visit the MMSCI Calendar of Events.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Healing Service at MMSCI 180 Beach Blvd Hamilton ON
Sunday Service is at 1:30 pm today.
Everyone welcomed

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The last few days Jan 4th to 8th 2011

The last few days have been difficult for a lot of people including myself. My head has been swimming in what my son terms “brain fog”. This is unusual and of course I wonder if my health is changing. I have felt terrible (dizzy) for the last 4 days. Being telepathic has its down side. For incidence when some one is in disagreement with my thoughts or are in need and can’t reach me I can “feel” their urgency. My mentor Ross Peterson and I discussed this part of being psychic on a few occasions. I sometimes call my friend and the situation subsides. Coincidentally during these last few days several clients have called asking “what’s going on”? They felt a "heavy" feeling and others reported they “felt like garbage”, completely out of balance.

I don’t believe this is caused by astrological influences - as we might associate with Mercury or Jupiter going retrograde or some other planetary irritant. It’s something far more powerful.

Add to this the evidence that suddenly there are reports of birds and sea creatures dying en masse around the world. Scientists are responding saying this is a normal occurrence. I am sure our conspiracy theorists friends will have different ideas about these occurrences being “normal” experiences.

This may sound weird but I feel a new and perhaps unknown influence like emissions or rays from outer space are bombarding the earth as it rotates in its orbit through this a belt or field in space not unlike going through an asteroid belt.

The emission I deduce hits the Earth in different places with different levels of intensity. Giving speculation as to why different places on Earth have reported large amounts of birds and other creatures dying suddenly. I don’t believe this is like Sun spot radiation. Instead I hypothesize its something much more powerful. I am not sure at this time (as I’m a little wobbly intuitively speaking) where this radiation is coming from or for that matter its starting place. That would be for greater minds them mine to determine. My two cents worth -using my intuitive mind (remote view or mind projecting) -I look out into space and see diagonal lines streaking across space towards us in straight lines on a 45 degree (down) angle from the left to right.

The last few days have been very difficult for many sensitive or intuitive people, but at this time, Saturday, Jan 8 2011, there seems to be some relief. Hopefully we have passed through this area and this phenomena, is over.

The Earth may still be in jeopardy but from different sources. I have seen the Earth’s rotation in a wobble on its axis and as I have stated in the past on the Richard Syrett radio show on CFRB Toronto (now broadcasting on Zoomer AM 740 Radio http://zoomerradio.ca/)– the Earth's crust is spinning at a different rate then its core. Perhaps this is a magnetic junction / convergence from within and from without.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 06 Thursday

May peace of mind be with you today.
Comments about my Blog have been encouraging. I trust you have found this Blog easily. If not your suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of my Blog is welcomed. An author and friend of mine "Robert A" (after congratulating me with a "good call" on the Gold Prices dropping) told me that the only thing about writing a Blog is writing the Blog. "You have to keep feeding the Blog" he said. My education continues as does the areas of interest for this Blog. In taking Robert's advice I shall try not to be frivolous as I offer information and comments that come to mind on my life and its experiences.

My dog Max “The Wonder Dog” is hanging out with me at the Centre. He is an old dog, as I am, but he is very bright and I would say “intuitive”. We communicate telepathically and he limps along, as I do sometimes, from previous over extensions of a physical nature. Mine from football his from cold floors and a life outside before we rescued him from the shelter.

Shower ideas… Have you ever noticed that “great ideas” come to you when you are in the shower or bathroom? Many creative people I know have had inspirations “in the little room”. My friend George Carlin ( the great Californian Comedian) used to get his inspirations in the bathroom and run through his house to his office (a room in his converted garage) to “write them down”… right away. Shower ideas can be worth a million dollars, or at lease can help find a solution to life’s problems…..if you write them down. I believe when one is in the privacy of their bathroom the mind is free to roam and it centres on the issues of the day. It’s a meditation state that allows the mind to slip in to a state of intelligence that normally is unavailable. - I was thinking (in the shower) the other day “why not have a water proof pen and paper in the shower to write these great ideas down?… Perhaps an underwater slate and pen set, like they use on TV underwater exploration shows, to write down my shower ideas.” hummmmmm

On Tuesday I sat in on an excellent class at the MMSCI Centre. A Spiritual Discussion Group (hosted by my good friend Al E) explored the wisdom of leading authors in Spirituality. The topic of Shamanism and the Spiritual World was enthusiastically discussed by the group along with the idea and meaning of the human ego. This class is an open forum encouraging participants to ask questions and gain insight into the mysteries of Life. See details on the website: http://www.manymansionscenters.org/

A great lady, Jill R is, conducting a class on Animal Communications next Tuesday Jan 11. Don't miss out on this exciting class discussing how to better communicate with your pets on a "higher level" I would expect learning how to "talk to your pets" would be a good thing to do.

Friday is Study Group night and I am the host. Questions can be asked on any topic or concern. The intention is to learn how to cope with life and to live a spiritual life and its natural laws. To be in harmony with these laws is to prosper and improve the quality of ones life. Discussing why something has happened, or what to do about a circumstance, can bring relief and set a course of action. Also, mystical explanations regarding the Spiritual world or Heavens above can be helpful and empowering. Donations are graciously accepted.

One of the most popular workshops I have the pleasure of teaching is Past Life Recall. There is nothing more exciting then the self discovery of learning about your past experiences in previous lives. This workshop is being offered weekend (Saturday, January 8th, 2011) and I suspect it will be a small class, which is perfect for participants as it gives you more time and opportunity to ask all your questions in regards to reincarnation!
The workshop begins at 10 am and goes until to 2 pm, approximately. The course is $40/pp for MMSCI Members and $60/pp for non-members. Call to pre-register or for more information 289-396-7699

Spiritual Healing Service this Sunday, January 9, 2011. The service begins at 1:30 pm at our Many Mansions Spiritual Centre located at 180 Beach Blvd, Hamilton, Ontario.
We expect, and we have seen, authentic Miracles at our MMSCI services! Come if you wish to be part of this special day. God Almighty and the Divine Beings above join with us and answer our prayers, for those present, for those who are at a distance and for the world around us. Donations graciously accepted.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 2, 2011 Spiritual Service

Click below to listen to my talk at the January 2, 2011 spiritual healing service, given at Many Mansions Spiritual Centre.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

January first 2011 Predictions on the US Dollar- Banks and Gold

This morning at 12:01 we welcomed in 2011 (at the MMSCI New Year's Party) in Hamilton ON. It was a time spent with our good friends and colleagues. All of the folks who came out had a good time with plenty of good food to eat and non-alcoholic "Champanade." The night was a traditional celebration, save for the brief meditation and prayer for 2011 we had just before 2010 retired and the new beginning of 2011.

I was asked to speak about the future and so made several  statements which centered on 2011 being a year of settling unfinished business. Injustices will also be set right in favour of those who suffered at the hands of government and individuals alike. It should be a year of comfort or at least accomplishment if you are trying to do right, compared to the struggles of last year and the years just prior. It should be a year for truth coming out for those who have endured and "kept the faith" in resolving issues.

I see a year of prosperity interrupted by labour discontent as higher prices and inflation become more evident. I reaffirmed that I had predicted labour strikes coming westward from Europe as a sign of difficulty or the so-called "Time of Chaos" coming into the world.  This is happpening, as we know.

This from a dream vision of last week:
Gold and Silver prices will soon fall in the next while in 2011.  This would mean its a "buying opportunity." Remember this information is for informational purposes only and is my personal point of view. I am not a financial authority nor should I be considered one. This update dream/vision of a week or so ago amended my higher prices for the precious metals with lower prices ahead. I would take this as something to consider if you have some interest in the precious metals.

My dream vision this morning was about the American Dollar:
In this vision my wife (Karen) and I were at a large bank at a counter. I wanted to get some US dollars (funds) and as I waited a long time at this counter, the teller or banker was unable to give me US dollars. I stretched my back by leaning over the counter -hands on the inside of the counter- as I wondered if they (the bank security) were watching, as no one seemed to be around. I stretched over the counter and waited for some one to attend to us. I then noticed two men outside in worn clothes- knocking on a large plate window trying to get the bank to open the front door as some children (or people) were about to be bitten by dogs or wolves laying in the snow. I then saw a transport truck drive up and proceed to run over one of the dogs (which looked like Husky dogs or sled dogs). A banker appeared and noticed the 2 men too but didn't open or attend the doors. He seemed to mention I should come back after the weekend (Monday). I thought (in the dream) this to be strange to wait for funds, as the bank didn't have any on hand.

I would take this to mean a shortage of US currency at bigger banks; perhaps foreign banks like Canadian banks. Why a shortage of  US dollars is left to speculation. The wolves at the door and people being attacked outside the bank may mean hard ship for the poor people who can't get into the bank as the doors are locked. May this mean a "run on banks" who are out of US dollars?????

Until next Blog remember Faith is Built upon Belief and Belief is Built upon Evidence...
May God give you light to see by and the Angels to guide you in all you do.
Donations gladly accepted to help MMSCI - visit  http://www.manymansionscenters.org/