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Thursday, December 29, 2011

I have never in my life felt the way I do

These last few days (Sunday to today) have been unusual for me. I have never in my life felt the way I do from time to time these last few days. Christmas was a very strange one this year. There seem to be an “energy” or sensitivity increase that feels like a shimmer on my chest or mid body. I am not sure where this feeling is coming from but it isn’t good. Perhaps it’s an energy coming from not-so-nice people. It may be from a segment in space which the world is orbiting through. Perhaps it’s a major disaster about to happen for example a volcanic eruption or a terrorist attack. I have predicted in a research DTM that the days between December 20th and the 27th “will be the beginning”.

It may be so with media reports of: An al-Qaeda-affiliated organization has asserted responsibility for a deadly wave of bombings in Baghdad last week, TEHRAN, Iran- Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday said the world would witness the destruction of Israel soon, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. A Persian nuclear bomb threatens Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states as much as it does Israel. National Times reported.

The beginning may have already started for some major disturbances. Perhaps this month we may see eruptions in the Mediterranean (Spain area) or a bomb blast in the Middle East. Tsunami may head north to the UK from an underwater volcano near the island of El Hierro which has led to the closing of some coastal areas. Also the threat of the Congo Volcano Nyamuragira, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (one of the most active volcanoes in Africa which began spewing lava into the air on Sunday) may signal a chain reaction about to happen in the Atlantic near Africa. Also near Santiago Chile's Hudson Volcano released columns of steam and ash in a cloud more than 5 kilometres high on Friday. This threatens a much larger eruption in Chile and neighbouring Argentina is now preparing for a possible disaster. It seems when some thing happens in one part of the world, a corresponding earth event happens soon there after on the opposit part of the globe. While earth quakes are bad it is my belief that volcanic ash from the sky is a greater threat and more dangerous then lava- it falls from the shy and stops everything in its path. From airplanes /jets to trucks, cars and people without shelter. Water would be a good thing to stock up on don't you think?

I pray that this feeling of depression-like-dread will pass me buy, but as the world seems to be gearing up for violence I fear it will not. I am intuitive and this means taking the good with the bad. I have noticed since I have been living at the “Mansion” our Mystery school in Hamilton I have become much more sensitive (clairsentience) and my telepathy has sharpened as well. It may be due to the claim that MMSCI (Many Mansions Spiritual Centre) sits on a large vortex which excites the psychic centres. The quality of the meditation and energy healing is very high. This amazing facility is located on the Hamilton beach located between the Hamilton Harbour and Lake Ontario next to the Burlington Skyway Bridge. I humorously like to say its out “in the middle of the lake”. Certainly the facility is surrounded by fresh water which no doubt flows under the sandy beach too and in doing so makes this location an energy vortex, very much if not more powerful then the famous Sedona Vortex in Arizona USA. I've been to both places and call me bias I prefer our Canadian vortex on "my" beach in Hamilton

This sad feeling however is not a comfortable one for anyone to have. It feels like dread. When I inquired of intuitive friends they too reported the very same feeling of a "vibration" on their solar plexus or heart chakra or a similar “something” happen to their bodies. They described it much the same way I felt it- a feeling which seems to be a mix between anxiety and depression with short periods of relief.

If you are suffering from feelings like this it may be the seasonal Christmas depression, remedied with Royal Jelly, Vitamin D in large doses or with bright lights as in Tanning booths if your depression is organic but if it is intuitive you may be sensing current Earth Changes as our world tears its self apart.

This feeling seemed to abate (Wed) about 1600 local time (Toronto / New York time). Its 2:40 am and I seem to be feeling balanced. To my friends I ask you to send me loving thoughts and I will do the same for you. This may be over for now but something big may be coming soon. Be prepared wherever you live in the world.

Keep the faith with loving thoughts my dear friends, Pray for prosperity and peace in your world. Say good words and do good deeds. God Almighty is watching.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Message

Times are a changin'.
2012 is upon us and there seems to be 2 points of view regarding this time.

A) it's an end of an age as predicted by the Mayan empire and other ancient mystical peoples, in which global destruction through Earth changes will be upon us. B) there is an indifference to any notion the world is in jeopardy. Even though the news casts are filled with strange weather, volcanic and earth quake activity reports every day. To those who are on a spiritual path the world we know and live in has been changing mucho. Some would term this a time a time of chaos. Others a teaching time or a testing time. It certainty is a time unequaled in recent history.

The increase of volcanic and earth quake activity may be a warning that our world is in for big changes. Perhaps a pole shift and even a rotation reversal!

The oceans are heating up some 2 to 4 degrees. Reducing the stabilizing effect of the Earth's ice caps (which every one knows are melting at an alarming rate) giving evidence that the world we live on may -just may- wobble so much that it flips over on its axis.

The prophets of old and the prophets of new are predicting some very difficult things ahead. If they are right -the best of all would be to have a net work of friends working closely with each other for mutual benefit and protection.

Running off some where to living in a fortress mentality some where in the bushes is to find isolation which leads to disaster. Rather to form a society or group to survive in an uncertain world is the spiritual thing to do. There is evidence that in past times, people came together for mutual support and they prospered. From ancient times to the present coming together is a wise and practical thing to do.

Tribes are families and families are people who care about one another. If your biological family is separated far and wide and you believe the future may be a little chaotic, I suggest you start looking to form a tribe or a family with like minded people. Your spiritual family of brothers and sisters.

Where may you find such people? Every where. People are looking for their spiritual brothers and sisters as the world seems to be spinning out of control. All the people who have incarnated here have done so by their own free will and free choice. Its their Karma to be here now. If there are souls who have agreed to enter this time to help one another it makes sense they will find each other at centres or at study group meetings or just about any where intuitive like minded people gather.

This is a time when people are preparing to meet those things that are beneficial to their souls advancement. Even in a time of uncertainty. The hope for our world is the ability people have to cooperate and to come together in a spirit of caring and willingness to be of service. Caring for each other and managing to continue to do so through all life's events is a profound spiritual advancement. It is also the way to enlightenment and to understand love.

We will live through 2012 and beyond. How we do so is up to us. Make friends with your family and make your friends part of your family. At this time your future may just depend on it.

For 2012 may I suggest to avoid extremes and put limits on desires.

May I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas/ Seasons Greetings and a very Prosperous and Happy New Year.

Douglas Jame Cottrell PhD

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Canadian radio show

Recently I was invited to be a guest on a Canadian internet radio show called "The West Coast Truth" Russell Scott is an interesting host on a great Canadian show. You will find this an entertaining and educational show. I enjoyed being a guest. The reviews so far are very good. Check it out for your self - you can view it on You Tube or on the web site of west coast truth.

from: Russell Scott – Editor

Dear Dr. Douglas James Cottrell,
My sincere thanks for your appearance on my show. The interview is available on You Tube in high quality: http://www.westcoasttruth.com/douglas-james-cottrell-231211.html
The interview is also available via the Tune-In Radio Network and other online and mobile devices. The interview is available through my website in low quality:

I look forward to talking again.... and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family,

Russell Scott – Editor

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

North Korea

The death of Korea's dictator Kim Jong-iL marks both a beginning or an end. My thoughts tonight are about the future rule of his youngest son Kim Jong-un. In his late twenties he inherits a dictatorship and a country. While the world waits to see if Kim Jong-un can stay in power, there is an optimistic view, that the Koreas (North and South) may have an opportunity to usher in a time of peace, or dare we even think of a possibility of uniting. After all East and West Germany united not so long ago and look at them now, the strongest economic country in the EU.

The question is will Kim Jong-un hold on to his power? I feel he will and in doing so he will surprise everyone. Kim Jong–un is now on the world stage and has the opportunity to be a great leader even though he is approximately 28 years old.

I looked at his photo on TV tonight and a chart of the family tree. The older two sons of Kim Jong –iL have been dismissed by their father as not being suitable. However I noticed that Kim Jong–un is very much like his grand-father who founded the nation after World War II. Kim Jong–un looks like his grand-father, he speaks several languages, and is reported to be a movie buff like his late father was. Perhaps the family trait for being a dictator may well be ingrained in this young man over his short life so far. Perhaps to those who believe in reincarnation there is something more….

Let us pray that this will be a time of hope for Korea... North and South

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tomorrow Dec 14 will be a special day for me.

If any of you live nearby Hamilton Ontario, and would like to join me at Hamilton City hall tomorrow for a very special occasion please consider this. I will be introduced by the Mayor Bob Bratina and will give a short prayer at the opening of the council meeting. MMSCI is located in ward 5 and our Councillor is Mr. Chad Collins See the invitation email copied below for details. The council meeting is televised on a Local TV station TVCOGECO- Sunday, December 18, 2011 12:00 PM. Hope to see you there.

Hi. Rev. Cottrell. Just a reminder that you are scheduled to perform Opening Prayer at Council on December 14 at 7:00 pm. Please send me a short Bio the Mayor can use to introduce you. Please come to City Hall at 6:45 and someone will take you to meet the Mayor before the meeting. Parking is available behind City Hall accessed from Jackson or Bay Streets (1st floor) or Hunter St. (2nd floor). Council Chamber is on the 2nd floor.
Thanks. Sue
Sue Riley
Administrative Secretary, Legislative Services
City Clerk's Office
City Hall, 71 Main St. W., 1st Floor
Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5

please feel free to meet us there.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Press release Dec 09 2011

World will NOT end in 2012, says top Youtube prognosticator. Strange Weather expected.

World will NOT end in 2012, says top Youtube prognosticator. Keep an eye on Mount Etna and Vesuvius, however. "Fifth Age of Mankind" to start. Positive changes expected.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The world will most emphatically NOT end in 2012, according to Canada's most respected and credentialed prognosticator, Douglas James Cottrell, PH.D.

This should be good news indeed for the literally millions of inquiring minds who have lately been flooding Google's search engine seeking for the true meaning of the many Doomsday prophecies surrounding the date 12/21/12. A date which, allegedly, has itself been extrapolated from many ancient traditions, most notably the Mayan; and, to a lesser extent, the Aztec (who, it is now believed, were merely re-copying earlier Mayan information).
"I am not taking anything away from the brilliance of the Maya," asserted Cottrell, currently in residence at MMSC, the non-profit and charitable Canadian spiritual center which he recently headquartered in Hamilton, Ontario.
"They were an extraordinary people and even today represent one of the greatest archeological and historical enigmas of all time. For example, their numbering system allowed them to use decimal places in excess of 10 integers. What for? Historians assure us they did not use the wheel as a technology - yet museum relics, identified as "Mayan children's toys," are seen to have tiny wheels on them. Why? And recent research by our best scientists show that their glyphs encode very complex astronomical data, including a sunspot supercycle that spans over 50,000 years. How precisely did they accomplish this?"

Cottrell himself is no stranger to enigmas. Arguably, he is one himself.
In 1975, the former pressman for the Toronto Star answered an unusual calling. As a result, he is today considered by many to be "the modern Edgar Cayce" or, alternatively, "the last of the Sleeping Prophets" - a reference to the modern american seer of that same name who passed away in 1945, leaving behind a body of work which has been scrutinized in 100s of books, dozens of TV documentaries, and even an off-Broadway play.

In his own lifetime, Cottrell has done over 25,000 "readings" for clients in some 42 countries around the world. There are over 335 of his videos on Youtube, all posted entirely by clients or fans. (In fact, he did not even know about many of them until long after they were first put on the web.)

Says Douglas James Cottrell:
"December of 2012 is not the end of our world as much it is the beginning of a new age, the Fifth Age of Mankind on this much-battered and bruised planet. Transitions of this kind are, of course, not without some discomfort, and indeed we are already seeing this in the political and financial arenas. As the date itself comes nigh, we can expect ever stranger weather events. Sunspot and volcanic activity in particular need very close monitoring. Especially Etna and Vesuvius! But at the end of the day, so to speak, there will be positive changes for the better, changes that will bring the world into an age where there will be less focus on self-interest and more on the collective good. This is a truly a great time to be alive."

To contact Douglas James Cottrell PhD.:
phone (905) 393-5104

To contact the Many Mansions Spiritual Center:
phone (289) 396-7699

Link to Youtube "playlist' on "Cottrell 2012" created by a fan, several of the videos on the list show over 50,000 views: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2F7CFEABBF1A52E1

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Many Mansions Spiritual Centre is an international interfaith community devoted to the advancement of the spiritual-metaphysical teachings of the Christ consciousness and the Divine within. Founded in 2009 and registered as a charity in 2010, Many Mansions Spiritual Centre is an Interfaith organization devoted to the spiritual advancement of people from all faiths and traditions.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Here is a link I feel is something about the past you may find very interesting.
I believe it's proof of ancient Atlantis
Let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Clairsentience - feeling very anxious

For the last few days I have been waking up feeling very anxious. Clairsentience (or clear feeling) is the psychic ability associated with this. Waking up like this usually means something coming will be difficult. For instance, in the early days of September 2001 I awoke with a feeling of fear in my throat every morning. I recall saying to myself “where is this fear coming from”. I was not expecting any personal disaster nor did I have any problems on the horizon in my life. The feelings of foreboding came true on Sept 11 2001 and the world changed. The World Trade Towers in New York were destroyed by a terrorist attack. My Clairsentience was warning of this world changing event but I could not be sure what the event was until after the fact. This experience I later came to know was not mine alone. In the days and months following 9/11 when I mentioned my “fear feelings” to clients or at workshops people said they too felt fear around this time but didn’t know why…… Some even went to their doctor for medication.

My intuition on my present daily fear is related to Europe. I am feeling something terrible is about to happen in Spain or around the country of Spain. This may happen in a few days or a few weeks but something is being planned now…I can feel it. I suggest you take care and pay attention to your dreams and feelings. Perhaps you have been waking up feeling dizzy, fearful or anxious as I have. I suggest you monitor your feelings and see if they are related to world events and not the usual anxious Christmas moments people sometimes feel around December. Your feelings may be tuning into the next world changing event. Hate and revenge know no quarter and many innocent people may suffer. I regret to say terrorist attacks will be happening in the areas around Spain (Turkey - Israel and north of Spain too)- such as plane hijackings or bombings. I am suggesting that we all come together and pray for Divine intervention.
Take care and listen to that inner voice.

Please Pray with me for help from above:

Dear God Almighty. Please send all the Divine beings and Angels above to soften the hearts of people who feel anger and plan revenge in our world. We ask for your Divine rays from the Heavens above to shed their rays of Love upon all those who are misguided in their prejudices. Let peace profound find its way into their hearts and minds so that peaceful solutions to all the misunderstandings of all can be the result. Dear God Almighty protect all of the innocent people who must travel or live in these countries where conflict occurs. We are grateful for this divine intervention and give thanks for all that can be offered and accepted from the Divine above.

PS I dreamed of a US military base being installed in the side of a hill in Spain when I was in Spain in October 2011. I saw near water (the Mediterranean) overlooking the south a cave-like area in the side of a hill military base. I understand Spain has agreed to allow a military base near the South west corner of help with the conflict in Syria and the “tinder box” countries of Iran and Israel. Perhaps this is a reason Spain will be in the middle of Terrorists attacks.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Persian men

I had a dream image yesterday Dec2 2011 of Persian men (2 or more) being killed with swords or a long knife. One was stabbed in the mid body and died. The other was struck on the head or over the turban. This deflated like a ball as it was cut open. I assumed I was dreaming -in the middle of an assassination. I have been feeling agitated or nervous off and on since, more so today- Sunday Dec. 3rd The Turban the men were wearing were over sized or large.
I think something bad is going to happen in old Persia Iran soon in which people will be assassinated on a large scale or at least 2 very important men will be attacked and murdered. More on this later
Dr Douglas

Monday, November 14, 2011

Will The Real Oracle Please Stand Up?

This is a article from a very dear friend who has known me since the mid 1970's. I am grateful for his kind words.

Will The Real Oracle Please Stand Up? by Robert

The word Oracle is derived from the Latin verb ōrāre "to speak" and correctly refers to a priest or priestess speaking predictions or prophesy, or words from the Gods.

If you were looking to pick a country with the most ties to the ancient past, you would be hard pressed to do better than Tibet.

For example, it was in a Tibetan monastery that not one but two different Russian travelers, about 100 years ago, found lost documents about the travels of 'Saint Issa' (Jesus) in his so-called "missing years." And it was in a Tibetan archive that the late ex-military man James Churchward was shown the lost language of the continent of Mu -- and ended up not only learning it from the monks, but writing multiple bestsellers on the topic in the mid 20th century.

It was in yet another Tibetan monastery that the late writer Jon Pineal found the source material for his classic work on the lost religions of Atlantis, a one-of-a-kind book still considered a metaphysical classic.

So, for a country just brimming over with ancient history and tradition, what are we to make of the fact that Tibet has more "official" Oracles within their society than any other place on the globe? The inference is that once, long ago, in the far distant past, oracles played a huge part in the day-to-day lives of the people, and the Tibetan culture still honors this fact.

One small problem, though. Many are oracles in name only. Where the title is passed down by blood or heredity, many of the younger oracles don't want the job at all, and would prefer a more modern occupation. According to a recent documentary called "THE ORACLE" shown on Vision TV, yet another "state-recognized" oracle had been ill as a child, and has never actually spoken, or predicted anything, in her life.

In fact, when recently interviewed for that same film, the Dalai Lama himself acknowledged that he sees his “official” oracles only about once a year and, while he considers their advice worth listening to, he does not always take it.

Ask yourself, is that the way real oracles would be respected?

One has to conclude that, while oracles may have been a big deal in the world hundreds or even thousands of years ago, in Tibet today there is clearly some sort of serious "disconnect" between the theory and the reality.

The irony of course is that one of the best and most tested oracles on the planet is based right here at the M.M.S.C.I. in Hamilton, Ontario. While lacking official accreditation or government acknowledgment of any kind, Douglas James Cottrell has nonetheless delivered some 25,000 "readings" to people from all over the world since he started his unusual calling in 1974.

Recent information has in fact identified Cottrell as the reincarnation of the "last oracle of Atlantis," i.e., the oracle that would have overseen the devastation of the final portion of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago; and would have tried, unsuccessfully for the most part, to relocate the people of that culture. (Those that survived migrated to Egypt, Spain, Africa, and the Americas).

That same information also identified said "last Oracle" as a major decision-maker during those last difficult days of the empire, sharing power with another Atlantean personality known as Ra-Ta, or "Ta" for short. Interestingly, this is clearly the very same personage that Edgar Cayce (who died in 1945), and who has been the topic of hundreds of books, many documentaries, an off-Broadway play, and two TV movies indicated that he, himself, was the reincarnation of. And Cayce credited his own abilities to that single specific soul experience.

It was Cottrell, please note, who said in a session in 2006 that it would 2015, the earliest, before the US would even come close to a solid economic footing again. An incredible insight for the time. And it was Cottrell who not only called the recent top in gold at 1800 via a public, in-your-face, Youtube video,(issued when gold was much less expensive), but who also insisted that riots and protests in the street by the common people were about to appear (years before the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement reared up).

For those who truly understand just how powerfully such "soul talents" can present themselves -- for example, those 5-year-old prodigies often seen on TV playing Mozart like they have been doing it for a lifetime, AND VERILY THEY HAVE BEEN! --Cottrell's credentials are perhaps as impressive as anything from the Tibetan government..........
Arguably, better.


Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 Prayer Service

I held a special prayer service at Many Mansions Spiritual Centre today, November 11, 2011, at 11:11 AM. This is a plea to the divine and the invisible forces above to come into the world and intervene in the welfare of everyone on the planet. Join with me and pray for peace, enlightenment, and the raising of your consciousness to that of unconditional love. Today's service includes a short sanctification ceremony, prayers and a time for meditation, contemplation, and introspection. Approximately 30 minutes.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

11-11-11: A Time Of Hope

November 11, 2011 is a special time: 11-11-11. Some have speculated that there is a mystical or metaphysical significance to this sequence of numbers, and all over the world, people will gather in prayer, contemplation, and meditation to focus their thoughts and energies on world peace and harmony. There are many theories regarding the nature of what will take place on this date. In this research Deep Trance Meditation session, you will hear an explanation of what is taking place now, and what will continue to take place over the coming months. I trust you will find this account of 11-11-11 to be helpful.


A video of this recording is now available. CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

More Earthquake, Tsunami Predicted for Japan

On September 20, I gave a Deep Trance Meditation reading for a client in Japan. In this latest reading, I describe the upcoming earth changes in the Japan area and beyond, as well as making a future prediction on the economy of the European countries (and ultimately the world). This information is offered in the hopes that those who are able to make practical preparations may begin to do so.

Click on the link below to listen to an excerpt from the reading. The client's name has been removed to protect privacy.


© 2011 Douglas James Cottrell. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reflecting on 9/11

In today's Sunday service, I speak on the World Trade Center attack, and the opportunities that have been given to us to (spiritually) learn from this experience. Let us not focus on the negative, but instead, with singleness of purpose, create a better world for us all.

Click on the link below to listen to the recording, and/or download to your computer.


© 2011 Douglas James Cottrell

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hope in these troubled times‏

One question I am frequently asked is how can one continue to be positive when there is so much negativity around us.

Recently, a client was given some words of wisdom on how to keep hope alive in these troubled times.

I have included a link to an excerpt from that Deep Trance Meditation session below. I believe you will find this information to be helpful and inspiring in your own life, especially as we continue our spiritual journey through these seemingly chaotic times.

Click here to listen to and download the audio excerpt.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Energy Vortex in Ontario, Canada

An Energy Vortex, also known as a power place, is a physical location of great metaphysical or spiritual energy. Places such as Machu Picchu, Egypt, Sedona have the reputation of being such energy vortexes.

Recently, a client asked in a Deep Trance Meditation session whether such places existed in Canada. The DTM session revealed that, indeed, there is an energy vortex, and it is right under Many Mansions Spiritual Centre in Hamilton, Ontario!

Click here to listen to the recording of the DTM session.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Orbs" Photographed Around Me

This picture was taken a few weeks ago when I was in Cordova, Spain for the San Juan's night celebration. As you can see, this festival is one of fire, celebrated with bonfires, fire-walking, candles, music, dancing, and a feast. One of my friends took photos, and when we returned home we found the camera had captured other objects (known as orbs). Take a close look at the photo for details (click on the photo to enlarge).

Some people believe that these round shapes in photos are due to camera malfunctions - lens flares, dust or debris on the lens, or the flash reflecting off water droplets in the air. Others believe that these orbs are spirits. I tend to agree with this theory. I believe that orbs are souls of discarnate beings (angels, spirit guides, masters, deceased relatives, etc.) and that their energy is visible in low light and able to be perceived by the camera.

I have posted a collection of orb photos online for you to peruse. This includes some photos taken in Cordova, as well as some photos taken of me at recent spiritual healing events. All were taken under the same low-light conditions, which is perfect for capturing this phenomenon with the camera. It is rare to see an orb in a photo. It is highly unusual to see more several. Take a close look at the ghostly shapes in the photos and you will see some amazing things.

Click here to see the full gallery of photos. Feel free to share your feedback by posting a comment here or on flickr.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mt Vesuvius and Mt Etna to Erupt?

For some time, I have been making a prediction that Mt Vesuvius and Mt Etna will be erupting in the very near future.

Click on the link below to listen to an excerpt from two recent DTM sessions I did (July 5 and 6 2011) which describes a time line for Earth Changes in the weeks and months ahead.


Copyright 2011 Douglas James Cottrell.

Friday, June 17, 2011

In Spain ... Again

I am sitting in an outdoor café on La Rambla de Catalunya (street) in Barcelona, and it's a perfect night at 9:30pm. People of different nationalities are parading by, and the sounds of motorcycles, and bicycles fill the air. I can hear people speaking different languages, taxis are everywhere, and it seems just about everyone is on a cell phone (if they aren't engaged in a deep social conversation with someone in the cafe). I am here to do workshops and see people at the Antar Centre. Tomorrow I will be going to Gerona, which is a small town an hour and a half away. Next week I will be traveling to Cordoba to see my friends and participate in the festival of fire (San Juan/Saint John).

Prior to leaving I felt a little reluctant about traveling to Spain. I had a dream vision some time ago where I was asking American president Obama to take me home. He replied that the paperwork was too complicated and refused me. I am not American so I wondered why I would be asking the Americans to take me home. The thought occurs to me that civilian aircraft may be grounded, and I might then consider asking my American cousins for a lift home via their military – which will not happen, as this dream vision foretells.

I have had the impression that while I am in Spain at some time that I may be prevented from flying home to North American due to a volcanic disaster. I continue to have this feeling that I may be prevented from coming home from Europe. Whatever the outcome, I am convinced that there will be volcanic ash in the air soon. I have had the feeling to stock up on extra food and water, and have instructed my family to do so. Several people have reported to me they have, likewise, had dreams in which food supplies may be disrupted. Should my prediction about a volcanic eruption “out West” take place soon, this would cause havoc on all fronts.

Reports that radioactive clouds are now affecting the west coast of Canada and the high Arctic continue to be reported on the internet. I believe that in one of my videos on Youtube, I have predicted that something would happen in Japan which would affect the west coast of Canada. This is most likely “it”. I don’t believe the quaking and shaking in Japan is over just yet. I suspect another earthquake will happen soon (July). I will update you as soon as I have a clear feeling or impression.

Although tonight the world seems to be calm, I have had a difficult night sleeping through the Lunar Eclipse which occurred the other night. I remain optimistic that I can return home on July 2, but time will tell. Sometimes the event is clear and the timing is off in dream visions and this may be the case here.

Spain seems to be calling me and I feel very comfortable. I have had a dream vision in which Spain will be the crossroads for east-west trade in the future. This will be the trade routes across Europe to the West. Spain’s labour and domestic unrest will continue (which I predicted in April/May) but the future should be bright for commerce in Spain. However, the economic upheavals will continue throughout the European Union and Spain may feel the effect. But it should fare better than some of the other countries (like Ireland, Greece, and Portugal).

There are reports that archaeologists have found evidence of Atlantis in the southwest corner of Spain. My impression is that this is correct. Perhaps Atlantis rising between Bimini and the Canary Islands will cause the flooding in the Mediterranean that will flood Barcelona and the shores of San Sebastian.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Latest Video Using the DTM Method for Research

Youtube user, Rammsteinregeln recently visited Many Mansions Spiritual Centre. I performed a Deep Trance Meditation session for him, during which he asked a number of questions for his own research. He has created a Youtube video of some of the questions. If you have never seen a live DTM before, this is a good example.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Radio Show Barcelona

Click here to listen to a recording of me on a recent radio show in Barcelona, Spain. I am featured in the second half of the program, so feel free to fast forward to get to the interview.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Strong new quake strikes Japan

More evacuations urged near crippled nuke plant

Sergey Ponomarev/The Associated Press
SENDAI, JAPAN A strong new earthquake rattled Japan’s northeast Monday as the government urged more people living near a tsunami-crippled nuclear plant to leave, citing concerns about long-term health risks from radiation.

The magnitude 7.0 aftershock came just hours after people bowed their heads and wept in sombre ceremonies to mark a month since a massive earthquake and tsunami that killed up to 25,000 people and set off a crisis of radiation leaks at the nuclear plant by knocking out its cooling systems.

“Even after a month, I still cry when I watch the news,” said Marina Seito, 19, a student at a junior college who recalled being in a basement restaurant in Sendai when the original 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit on March 11. Plates fell and parts of the ceiling crashed down around her.

Officials said Monday’s aftershock did not endanger operations at the tsunami-flooded Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, where power was cut by the aftershock but quickly restored. The epicenter was just inland and about 100 miles (160 kilometres) north of Tokyo.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters that residents of five more communities, some of them more than 20 miles (30 kilometres) from the plant, were urged to evacuate within a month because of high levels of radiation. People living in a 12-mile (20-kilometre) radius around the plant already have been evacuated.

“This is not an emergency measure that people have to evacuate immediately,” he said. “We have decided this measure based on long-term health risks.”

Edano sounded a grave note, acknowledging that “the nuclear accident has not stabilized” and that “we cannot deny the possibility the situation could get worse.”

The latest quake, the second major aftershock in less than a week, spooked people yet again in a disaster-weary northeastern Japan. Customers in a large electronics store in Sendai screamed and ran outside and mothers grabbed their children, but there were no immediate reports of more damage or injuries.

Japanese officials said the quake was a 7.0 magnitude, but the U.S. Geological Survey said it measured magnitude 6.6.

With workers still far from bringing the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant under control, the bodies of thousands of tsunami victims yet to be found and more than 150,000 people living in shelters, there was little time Monday for reflection on Japan’s worst disaster since World War II.

People in hard-hit towns gathered for ceremonies at 2:46 p.m., the exact moment of the massive quake a month earlier.

“My chest has been ripped open by the suffering and pain that this disaster has caused the people of our prefecture,” said Yuhei Sato, the governor of Fukushima, which saw its coastal areas devastated by the tsunami and is home to the damaged plant at the centre of the nuclear crisis. “I have no words to express my sorrow.”

In a devastated coastal neighbourhood in the city of Natori, three dozen firemen and soldiers removed their hats and helmets and joined hands atop a small hill that has become a memorial for the dead. Earlier, four monks in pointed hats rang a prayer bell there as they chanted for those killed.

The noisy clatter of construction equipment ceased briefly as crane operators stood outside their vehicles and bowed their heads.

In the industrial town of Kamaishi, Iwate Gov. Takuya Tasso led a moment of commemoration as a loud siren rang through a high school gymnasium being used as a shelter. He bowed while people who have lived there since the tsunami kneeled on makeshift futons, bowed their heads and clasped their hands.

The school’s students will return to classes Tuesday even though 129 people are living in their gym. Some, like 16-year-old Keisuke Shirato, wore their baseball uniforms for Monday’s ceremony. Shirato’s family was not affected by the tsunami, but about half of his teammates lost their homes.

“A new school year starts tomorrow,” Shirato said. “Hopefully that will help give people hope and allow them to look toward a new start.”

The earthquake and tsunami flattened communities along hundreds of miles (kilometres) of coastline, causing what the government estimates could be as much as $310 billion in damage. About 250,000 are without electricity, although some of them because of the latest two quakes Monday and last Thursday.

Adding to the misery is radiation spewing from the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex, 140 miles (220 kilometres) northeast of Tokyo. The 70,000 to 80,000 people who lived within 12 miles (20 kilometres) of the plant must stay away from their homes indefinitely.

“We have no future plans. We can’t even start to think about it because we don’t know how long this will last or how long we will have to stay in these shelters,” said Atsushi Yanai, a 55-year-old construction worker. The tsunami spared his home, but he has to live in a shelter anyway because it is in the evacuation zone.

Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its president, Masataka Shimizu, went to Fukushima prefecture Monday to relay his gratitude and apologies. Shimizu recently spent eight days in the hospital with dizziness and high blood pressure, but has since returned to work.

Shimizu told reporters in Fukushima that people who live near the plant are “suffering physically and mentally due to the nuclear radiation leak accident,”

“We sincerely apologize for this,” he said.

At TEPCO headquarters in Tokyo, hundreds of employees bowed their heads for a moment of silence at 2:46.

Japan’s government marked the one-month period by putting an ad in newspapers in China, South Korea, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States — a letter from Prime Minister Naoto Kan thanking people for the outpouring of support that followed the tsunami. The Red Cross alone said it has collected $107 million (9.1 billion yen) from overseas.

Kan described the outpouring as “kizuna,” the bond of friendship.

“We deeply appreciate the kizuna our friends from around the world have shown and I want to thank every nation, entity, and you personally, from the bottom of my heart.”

Jay Alabaster, The Associated Press

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mexico hit by 6.5 magnitude earthquake; No initial reports of damage

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude-6.5 earthquake shook a wide area of southern and central Mexico on Thursday, sending people fleeing into the streets, but there were no initial reports of damage.

The epicentre was located near the town of Las Choapas, about 600 kilometres southeast of Mexico City, where it swayed buildings for several seconds. In the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, people ran from their homes and schoolchildren assembled on playgrounds.

But Gov. Javier Duarte de Ochoa there was no damage near the epicentre nor in major cities in the oil-producing state.

“Veracruz is completely quiet without problems,” he told state television. “It was felt all over the state, but nothing major happened. It was only a scare.”

The also was temblor was felt strongly in the state of Chiapas, bordering Guatemala, where there also were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit a depth of 167 kilometres.

7.4 quake hits off Japan coast, no tsunami

Quake hits off Japan coast
Japan was rattled by a strong aftershock and tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast.

The Japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to two meters, but cancelled the warning after 90 minutes. The warning had been issued for a coastal area already torn apart by last month's tsunami, which is believed to have killed some 25,000 people and has sparked an ongoing crisis at a nuclear power plant.

Officials say Thursday's aftershock was a 7.4-magnitude and hit 40 kilometres under the water and off the coast of Miyagi prefecture. The quake that preceded last month's tsunami was a 9.0-magnitude.

Buildings as far away as Tokyo shook for about a minute.

In Ichinoseki, inland from Japan's eastern coast, buildings shook violently, knocking items from shelves and toppling furniture, but there was no heavy damage to the buildings themselves. Immediately after the quake, all power was cut. The city went dark, but cars drove around normally and people assembled in the streets despite the late hour.

U.S. Geological Survey gave the preliminary magnitude as 7.4 and it struck off the eastern coast 100 kilometres from Sendai and 140 kilometres from Fukushima. It was about 345 kilometres from Tokyo.

The depth was 40 kilometres. Shallower quakes tend to be more destructive.

Hundreds of aftershocks have shaken the northeast region devastated by the March 11 earthquake, but few have been stronger than 7.0.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weather Patterns Changing - 2 News Articles

Record depletion of ozone recorded over Arctic: UN
Stephanie Nebehay, Reuters · Apr. 5, 2011

GENEVA — Record loss of the ozone, the atmosphere layer that shields life from the sun’s harmful rays, has been observed over the Arctic in recent months, the World Meteorological Organization said on Tuesday.

"Depletion of the ozone...has reached an unprecedented level over the Arctic this spring because of the continuing presence of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere and a very cold winter in the stratosphere," the WMO said in a statement.

Observations from the ground, balloons and satellites show that the region has suffered an ozone column loss of about 40 percent from the beginning of the winter to late March, according to the United Nations agency.

The highest ozone loss previously recorded over the Arctic, about 30 percent, occured in several seasons over the past 15 years or so, according to a WMO spokeswoman.

"If the ozone depleted area moves away from the pole and towards lower latitudes one can expect increased ultraviolet (UV) radiation as compared to the normal for the season," WMO said, adding that the public should check their national UV forecasts.

But any increase in UV radiation over lower latitudes away from the Arctic — which could affect parts of Canada, Nordic countries, Russia and Alaska in the United States — would not be of the same intensity as one suffers in the tropics, it said.

UV-B rays have been linked to skin cancer, cataracts and damage to the human immune system. "Some crops and forms of marine life can also suffer adverse effects," the agency said.

Unlike over Antarctica, large ozone loss is not an annually recurring phenomenon in the Arctic stratosphere, where meteorological conditions vary much more each year.

The record ozone loss over the Arctic comes despite the "very successful" Montreal Protocol aimed at cutting production and consumption of ozone-destroying chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons, the WMO said.

The substances were once present in refrigerators, spray cans and fire extinguishers, but have been phased out.

Nevertheless, due to the long lifetimes of these compounds in the atmosphere, it will take several decades before their concentrations return to pre-1980 levels, the target laid down in the 1987 pact, it said.

Scientists concerned massive pool of fresh water in Arctic Ocean could alter Atlantic currents

AMSTERDAM - Scientists are monitoring a massive pool of fresh water in the Arctic Ocean that could spill into the Atlantic and potentially alter the ocean currents that bring Western Europe its moderate climate.
The oceanographers said Tuesday the unusual accumulation has been caused by Siberian and Canadian rivers dumping more water into the Arctic, and from melting sea ice. Both are consequences of global warming.
If it flushes into the Atlantic, the infusion of fresh water could, in the worst case, change the ocean current that brings warmth from the tropics to European shores, said Laura De Steur, of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research.
German researcher Benjamin Rabe, of the Alfred Wegener Institute, said the Arctic’s fresh water content had increased 20 per cent since the 1990s, or by a 8,400 cubic kilometres. That is the equivalent of all the water contained in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron in the U.S. or double the volume of water in Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake.
Increased runoff from the great northern rivers “could potentially impact the large scale ocean circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. This is important for us in Western Europe because our climate is pretty much dictated by the Thermohaline ocean circulation,” said De Steur.
The Thermohaline current loops like a conveyer belt from the tropics to the North Atlantic, driven by the differences in salt content and wind patterns. Warm water from the south gains in salinity and grows heavier as it cools. At its northern end the current is further chilled by cold air and sinks, warming again and rising as it travels south.
That cycle could be affected when the pool of fresh water is released into the Atlantic, said De Steur and Rabe. The icy water has been kept bottled up in the Arctic by wind patterns, which have not shifted their general clockwise direction for the unusually long time of 12 years. Normally, the winds change at intervals of five to 10 years.
The two scientists spoke to The Associated Press as part of a European Union initiative, called Clamer, to collate and publicize information from 300 EU-funded research projects conducted over the last 13 years on climate change and marine ecology. Rabe and colleagues from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany, published their research last year in the journal Deep Sea Research on the effects of higher river runoff on ocean salinity.
De Steur said most of the excess fresh water has collected in the Canada Basin, but in the last three years changes also have been noticed in the Eurasian side of the Arctic Ocean.
“It’s important to monitor this to see if this can be transported to the Atlantic, where it might potentially effect the Gulf Stream and the Thermohaline circulation,” she said.
Rabe cautioned that scientists have not been studying the situation long enough to predict what may happen, and the results of model simulations also were inconclusive.

Friday, March 25, 2011

More Predictions Coming True

Here are a couple articles in the news this week which confirm some predictions made in past DTM sessions.

1) 200,000 Expected to Take Part in Labour Protest
A march organised by trade unions in London and expected to attract 200,000 people on Saturday may be the beginning of a period of industrial action and protests, according to the leader of the UK’s largest union, Unite.
Len McCluskey said he anticipated that in excess of 200,000 individuals would take part in this weekend’s demonstration against the Government’s spending cutbacks. He said that Saturday’s protest will be the beginning of more widespread public action.
Mr McCluskey stated the Unite union and its 1.5 million members, will support all strikes and protests in opposition to the coalition’s austerity measures. The Government is cutting £81 billion from public spending in an effort to eradicate the majority of the budget deficit by 2015.
The Unite head went on to say that industrial action will grow and nothing should be ruled out, and that although he was opposed to violent measures, he supported organisations like UK Uncut that have occupied businesses they believe to be avoiding taxes. He said the anger will become more widespread as the cutbacks increase the effects we are now beginning to see.
This weekend’s protest is predicted to be the largest organised in the UK by trade unions for a generation and the biggest in the capital since the massed protest in opposition to the intended invasion of Iraq during 2003. It comes in the wake of mounting unemployment and cuts in public spending, as the effects of the Government’s austerity measures begin to be felt.

2) New analysis finds wind speeds rose over world’s oceans; could mean more moisture for rains
During the past quarter-century, average wind speeds have increased over the world’s oceans, as have wave heights, generating rougher seas, researchers reported in a study published online Thursday.
Since faster winds cause more evaporation, the increase could lead to more water vapour in the air, compounding any increase from global warming and providing added moisture for rain. Generally, that means a higher chance for rainfall.
Researchers led by Ian Young of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia report in the journal Science that, over a 23-year period, average wind speed over the oceans rose by 0.25 per cent per year.
The proportion of increase in wave height was less than for wind speed, the researchers noted, while the increase for extreme winds was more than for average winds.
The researchers said the higher winds are not necessarily the result of global warming.
- The Associated Press

Friday, March 18, 2011

Earth Changes 2012 - An Explanation

Thank you to the several people who have emailed me requesting my opinion regarding Japan and the enormous event taking place there.

The recent earthquake/tsunami in Japan – land of the rising sun - is not the first disaster leading up to the 2012 massive Earth Changes that are going to happen. Over the years I have spoken about the Pacific Rim (also known as the "ring of fire") as being the fringe of old continents called Lemuria (or Mu or Og), which predate the Atlantic continent of Atlantis. Japan is in its present form a remnant of an ancient civilization.

When I worked on a movie idea I had with Lorne Green and company, a considerable amount of research was gathered on these REAL places. This information is still out there, and as researchers and TV shows have presented, the concept of ancient land masses sinking below the surface of the sea is gaining more and more acceptance in mainstream media. Large stone structures (symmetrical or square shapes not found in nature) have been found off Okinawa, Japan, located 60 to 100 feet beneath the ocean surface leaving Japanese scholars wondering if their homeland was once part of a lost continent.

As you may recall, some months ago I reported on a vision in which I foresaw lava and volcanic ash falling from the sky, and I knew this disaster was happening in the “west” by an airport nearby. My volunteers researched this and we came to the conclusion that the vision pertained to Wyoming’s Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, which erupts 50,000 kilograms of boiling water every 40 to 80 minutes (and which was reported recently as having earth tremors/quakes every several minutes).

But what if we didn’t look far enough westward?

Some years prior to this, I also saw that “everything west of the Rockies – including the Jewel of the North” would go underwater, and as I looked westward I could see a wall of shooting flames and sparks. It was some time later that I found out that the “Jewel of the north” was not Vancouver (as I thought), but Alaska.

In another vision, I was given that Italy is destined to “rule the world,” and I saw colourful tropical fish swimming. I assumed that this meant that Italy would be in the tropics.

Several people have told me about dreams they have had where the sun was setting in the west, when it stopped and then began to rise towards the east. Have any of you had such a dream as well? These pieces of information would indicate that the Earth will reverse its rotation in a day. Think what would happen to the oceans if this happens. The momentum would cause the oceans to spill out of their basins and wash over the land.

Several years ago I announced on a Toronto radio show (hosted by Richard Syrett) that I saw in a vision that the Earth’s crust was spinning at a different speed than its molten core. I believe I was one of the first to predict this and openly challenged scientists who were following the program to examine this possibility. Since that time I have read that scientists have “discovered” this to be happening.

The polar ice caps are melting. This is a significant event. Why it is happening is due to many things and I’ll address that at a later time. But for now think of a spinning top on a smooth surface. It is spinning on an axis, and as it spins, the top and bottom of the object balance it and give it stability – just like the ice caps of the North and South poles add mass to stabilize our planet. This stabilization keeps the planet spinning at a certain rate, which keeps the shifting earth’s crust stable. What do you think happens when the ice caps are removed?

I have read recently that the earthquakes of the recent past have caused our planet to speed up in its rotation. This measurable difference is a fact. Here is a quote from the associated Press: “Last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has actually moved the island closer to the United States and shifted the planet's axis. The quake caused a rift 24 kilometers below the sea floor that stretched nearly 300 kilometers long and 150 kilometers wide, according to the AP. The areas closest to the epicenter of the quake jumped a full 13 feet closer to the United States, geophysicist Ross Stein at the United States Geological Survey told The New York Times.”

And still more evidence:
From the internet- "The world's fifth-largest, 8.8 magnitude quake was caused when the Pacific tectonic plate dived under the North American plate, which shifted Eastern Japan towards North America by about 13 feet (see NASA's before and after photos at right). The quake also shifted the earth's axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sunk Japan downward by about two feet. As Japan's eastern coastline sunk, the tsunami's waves rolled in."

Why did the quake shorten the day? The earth's mass shifted towards the center, spurring the planet to spin a bit faster. Last year's massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile also shortened the day, but by an even smaller fraction of a second. The 2004 Sumatra quake knocked a whopping 6.8 micro-seconds off the day.
After the country's 1995 earthquake, Japan placed high-tech sensors around the country to observe even the slightest movements, which is why scientists are able to calculate the quake's impact down to the inch. "This is overwhelmingly the best-recorded great earthquake ever," Lucy Jones, chief scientist for the Multi-Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey, told The Boston Herald.

The tsunami's waves necessitated life-saving evacuations as far away as Chile. Fisherman off the coast of Mexico reported a banner fishing day Friday, and speculated that the tsunami knocked sea life in their direction. This means that my predictions (echoing those of many other well-known colleagues such as Ross Peterson, my mentor, the late Paul Solomon, and the Great Edgar Cayce) that the Earth is going to slip or flip on its axis; not simply change its magnetic pole direction from north to south or east to west, but actually geographically change its pole position. I have said in my DTM state that the north pole would move westward toward the Bering straight, which as some informed people claim, used to be a land bridge between Europe and North America (most likely at the time of Mu or Og). This seems to be happening, as airplane pilots have to continually make adjustments in navigation corrections.

Scientific evidence from the internet:
The Earth's rotation axis is not perpendicular to the plane in which it orbits the Sun. It's offset by 23.5 degrees. This tilt, or obliquity, explains why we have seasons.But the angle is not constant - it is currently decreasing from a maximum of 24 degrees towards a minimum of 22.5 degrees. This variation goes in a 40,000-year cycle. Peter Huybers of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Carl Wunsch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have compared the timing of the tilt variations with that of the last seven ice ages. They found that the ends of those periods - called glacial terminations - corresponded to times of greatest tilt. Huybers told Live Science in a telephone interview: More sunlight seasonally hitting polar regions would help to melt the ice sheets. This tilt effect seems to explain why ice ages came more quickly - every 40,000 years, just like the tilt variations -- between two and one million years ago.

I submit that the recent melting of the ice caps foretells the science, as to why the planet's axis tilts.

The year 2012, ending our age, is at hand. Not because of the sun slowly melting our ice caps and promoting an imbalance of equilibrium, but because our oceans are heating up. The Earth's crust is slipping on its core, and huge fault lines or tectonic plates are slipping under one another quickly.

One degree of heat in our oceans is bad news. Two degrees of extra heat is disastrous. We are currently headed toward a four-degree increase in the temperature of the oceans around the world. Be prepared for more disruptions, as volcanic ash spreads through our atmosphere interfering in the growing of crops and creating food shortages. Stock up now.

Japan and the nations around the “Ring of Fire” are in trouble. This is self evident. These current disasters are the events leading up to the earth changes I have predicted and recorded on CD. The events "are coming faster and more disastrous then we expect" - a dream warning /message to my, son Doug, a few months ago.

May God help us all...
More on this soon.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


My heart goes out to my friends and clients in Japan at this most difficult time. The Earth changes we have spoken about in the past are very real, and what has happened in Japan recently is just the beginning of the Pacific Rim upheavals.

Before leaving Canada, I had two dreams regarding Japan, which I thought were commodity dreams. I mentioned these dreams to business clients, and a few close friends. In the dream, I saw a valley which I looked across and downward to see Japanese soldiers running in battle gear along the lower side across the valley. I was in a camp with Australian Soldiers who were alerted by the activity of the Japanese troops. In past dreams, soldiers were symbols for a country's currency. The currency markets are very aggressive toward each others' money value; a war of economics so to speak. The appearance of soldiers attacking one another has in past visions meant to me value changes in the respective currency one over the other. There could be currency fluctuation as a result of this economic and geographical disaster that may be a fact. Time will tell. But let's look to the human suffering and make every attempt to help wherever you live.

The current events in Japan would now indicate that these dreams have referred to the physical disaster in the Pacific. I might interpret the dream symbols of the two nations separated by a "valley" to refer to the ocean between the two "hill sides" - as the land above the sea - Japan and Australia. Soldiers on both sides of this great divide may mean rescue troops are active in Japan - which "alert" the troops in Australia. This may foreshadow that the coast lines of both countries are to be affected - with Japan's disaster alerting or warning to Australian officials to be prepared.

I am not trying to alarm, but offer this information to help people be prepared. Someone reported to me tonight that there is information online that the Earth has tipped a little, due to this seismic activity in Japan. If this information is accurate, my predicted events of the Earth slipping on its core may now be at hand.

Where is a safe place? High up in both Japan and Australia, away from the coasts, as the dream had a valley between the countries and people were active there.

A tsunami will be coming, of course, reaching out its hand of death and destruction across the Pacific islands and countries in its powerful path. Alaska my also be in the same jeopardy as Japan.

The activity in the Pacific Rim is always reciprocal. In the past, what has happened on one side of the Rim is soon felt - in a reduced way - on the opposite side of the Rim (or ocean). The time may now be at hand where Earth activity may not be reduced, but instead intensified. In Canada and the USA, safe may be inland from the coast by 200 miles (on the Atlantic) and east of the Rocky Mountains (on the west coast). It may be time to consider moving to a safe place to live.

I am so sorry for our friends in Japan and in the Islands in the Pacific. I encourage you to be generous with your donations and emergency goods and services.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Madrid Tour March 7th

The tour continues: With internet hookup a problem, and a power outage at my host, Cristine’s country home, it's been a while getting back to my Blog (see pictures below of our country accommodations and Ixone with Cristine's daughter, Maria). However, we have been very well received here in Madrid. The conference I attended last Sunday went well with little promotion. My appearance was listed in the show's brochure and generated a fair bit of interest in my talk about DTM meditation.

The interest in my work helped Ixone (pronounced E-shoan-E, she is my business associate and interpreter here in Madrid) to follow her intuition. One of those coincidental meetings (that the universe had already arranged) hooked us up with a great new lady-friend, Charo. This dynamic lady owns and operates a wonderful Spiritual centre in Madrid called “Jardin de Luz” (or "Garden of Light", see pictures below). Our Friend Charo strikes a pose in front of her centre. Notice the poster. Charo was very gracious to Ixone and I and we became instant friends.
Prior to meeting Charo and going to lunch, Ixone took time out (between taking appointments and making phone calls with clients who wanted readings with me) and we had a quick walk around a large park where did the tourist thing and took some pictures. See below: a famous fountain with elaborate castings of water bearer figures, just steps away from the busy streets of Madrid.

For everything there is a first time...This first time for me was my driving a car in busy rush-hour traffic in Madrid.

The food here is very good. We went to a Sushi restaurant where I had the unusual experience of listening to the ordering of our meal in Spanish with Japanese waiters who spoke Spanish not English. One of those culture-shock moments for me!

We stopped by to ask a doorman for directions on our way to Charo's store. Later, as we returned by this place, we found ourselves surrounded by security agents who ringed the area as 2 military VIPs came past us and quickly entered waiting limousines. I had the thought of reaching into my pocket for my camera...but decided under the circumstances this might not be a good idea.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd 2011 in Madrid, Spain

Here I am hard at work waiting for clients to arrive for their consultations. I was given a large consultation room at the Jardin de Luz Center, a spiritual healing center in Madrid. This charming location is a short walk from the Conference location, and it's private and quiet.

This is morning rush hour in Madrid.. Ixone and I are on the way to the spiritual center. It's about 9:00 am local time. Notice the huge fountain located at Glorieta de Bilbao.

I am about to take my first trip on the metro (subway) in Madrid. The subway system is extremely clean and efficient. The cost for a ride:  for $9.40 euros.

I bought 10 rides on the system. That works out to be 1 euro or $2 CDN or USD. Notice the architecture of the building in the background

The subway ride reminded me of my high school days when I used to take the "TTC" (Toronto Transit Commission) subway (and streetcar) to school every day in Toronto. The people I saw were doing the same thing everyone does on their work but they were happy and smiling as we bobbed along in the subway. From the ladies' fashions (leather everywhere) to the businessmen in stylish black attire, I knew I was in Spain.
The question is - Do I look British or American?

This is one of the most famous statues in Madrid called El oso y el madroño which means the bear and the "madroño" tree. Every New Year's Eve, hundreds and hundreds of people meet in this famous square, La puerta del sol.

One of the traditions is to share twelve grapes (in reference to the bear and the madroño tree), eating grapes at the same time as the town clock chimes out the beginning of the New Year. Twelve grapes are eaten as the clock strikes 12 midnight with 12 chimes ringing in the new year.

Another view of downtown Madrid. Notice in the upper mid center of the picture a majestic green statue perched on top of the building. If you look closely, it's a chariot and horses in full gallop. Click on the picture to expand and enlarge it.

There are many scooters and motorcycles in this busy city. Most popular in getting around in traffic..... and as you can see, parking a scooter doesn't seem to be a problem.

What kind of food do people eat in Spain?

This was a delicious vegetarian meal of couscous, stuffed tomato, sauteed vegetables and a mysterious brown patty that I thought was a potato pancake.

The charm of this restaurant was old school indeed. Did Christopher Columbus come here I wondered?

Here I am at the Conference Center which is located within the Principe Pio Train Station. These are two wonderful friends, Visi and Miguel who met me in Montreal, Canada at the IIIHS Conference last summer. They have been helpful in supporting me in our efforts to become established in Madrid. Their booth display of exquisite crystals and jewelery was eye-catching. A must see when you attend Foro Internacional de las Ciencias Ocultas y Esprituales.

On the way back from the conference we passed by some amazing historical buildings. Like this beautiful structure that I believe is part of a prestigious catholic university in Madrid Spain.

The temperature is about -1 C, and is a bit chilly. Bye for now,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd 2011 in Madrid, Spain


I regret not keeping up the blog for you, my loyal fans. I appreciate your comments and encouragement. First catching up:  Dreams. My friend, Anne, who suggested the blog page wanted me to post my prophetic dreams. Recently my dream vision had gold going up,  and something happening (weakening) to the Middle East currency.

Many Mansions Spiritual Centre: The decorating committee has been hard at work at the centre. Several volunteers have answered our call for help and with their loving efforts  have made big changes at the Centre. All the wallpaper has been stripped from the main rooms, the holes patched and shelves removes. Thanks to our beloved benefactor, Jackie who has been the guiding force behind the new design,  the place looks huge inside. Jackie has been busy arranging for paint and new carpeting to be installed too. Many more changes have also occurred giving the center a dynamic new look and feel. Please Contact the Centre to help with the redecoration if the spirit moves you, and if you have a few hours or an afternoon to spare.

The DTM Course: Students from as far away as British Columbia arrived last Thursday (February 25) to take the intensive 4-day course. It was a great success with every student advancing their intuitive skills. Some amazing results were achieved during the day and evening classes! Interested in the next course? Please call (289) 396-7699 for information on how to take the next course.

The Sunday Service: While I am away in Spain (and perhaps in the UK and Poland), my son, Doug, will be conducting a Sunday Service at the request of our MMSCI members and church attendees. I suggest you come on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. to enjoy the fellowship of coming together and celebrating the healing energy in the Centre's chapel. Several classes and lectures coming up with some wonderful teachers too.
Elvis on Sundays: My wife, Karen, had a vision that the music at the Sunday’s service should be gospel music by Elvis Presley. The last service was outstanding and we will keep this gospel music, as it is inspiring and raises the vibration in the room. Come and sing along and feel the love at the service. It seems we are being guided from above.
I believe I have been TO SPAIN in another life time. The place feels like home. My friends are wonderful people and make me feel like part of the family. The reason I am here is to present several lectures and teach at workshops. Right now I am writing this blog from the countryside home of my friend and host, Cristina (located about 20 minutes outside of Madrid).

I will attempt to attach pictures to my blogs and keep you informed just about every day. My associate, Ixone, is helping me on the tour. We will be in Madrid for the conferences and workshops, and, as always, I will be available for personal readings (until the end of the tour). From Madrid, my colleague and interpreter Ixone leave for Barcelona and will arrive there (after March 24th) to do workshops and lectures and Spiritual Healings and as time permits consultations.
If you are reading this in Spain - puedes llamar a Ixone al 607791728 o email amigosdedouglascottrellspain@gmail.com  (or in English) for more information, or to arrange a session, call Ixone at 607791728 email amigosdedouglascottrellspain@gmail.com

I hope my Spanish friends in San Sebastian (whom I met last September) have a chance to meet with us this trip in Madrid or Barcelona. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you if you get a chance to read this Blog and or receive our email news letter. Do call Ixone to stay in touch and or to meet while we are here. Also I look forward to those friends from Ontario who are planning to meet us in Spain and attend the events. There is a lot to see in this ancient and beautiful country.

Hasta pronto amigos (talk to you soon my friends)
Dr. Douglas